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Archive for the ‘Drug Addiction Counseling’ Category

?Part 10? Marriage Counseling and Relationship Advice ?Bishop T D Jakes?


?Part 10? Marriage Counseling and Relationship Advice ?Bishop T D Jakes?


Wisconsin pastor saves marriages one joke at time

Filed under: marriage counseling

"I originally started doing marriage counseling at my church because no one else wanted to do it." This Green Bay minister has become one of most sought-after marriage speakers in the world. "There was a period in my life where I went 17 years plus and …
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Andy Marlette: Lawfully wedded for .50

Filed under: marriage counseling

I'm quite certain my long-suffering mother will oblige, given that her first and only born son — yours truly — is finally getting married. Yup. Believe … And had we studiously completed a premarital counseling course, they would've knocked off …
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Can Someone With Clinical, Chronic Depression Claim Disability?

Question by mommyo: Can someone with clinical, chronic depression claim disability?
A friend of mine has terrible depression that is controlled by medication. Even though it is being treated, she still has her good and bad days. It has affected everything in her life and she finds it difficult to work. The problem is made worse by the fact that employer after employer seems to see her problem as a character flaw. Can she claim for some kind of disability insurance? I know people who are on disability for other kinds of chronic illnesses. Does depression count?

Best answer:

Answer by John
Yes but it is an extremely long and drawn out process

Give your answer to this question below!


Less conflict at home when dad quits drinking

Filed under: alcoholic therapy

Australian Celebrity Apprentice Max Markson’s “Drug Addiction” Attack on Didler Cohen?

Question by Jarrod K: Australian Celebrity Apprentice Max Markson’s “drug addiction” attack on Didler Cohen?
I think it’s time to have a little fun here and ask you your thoughts if any of you Australians follow the show or heard the story after a measly few minutes being reported in media.

Basically what happened was Max Markson attacked Didler Cohen for not doing his job, but out of nowhere, he says he’s a “cocaine addict”. It’s not that it wasn’t true, but that it was uncalled for and inappropriate. And yet…they still aired the scene when he said it. It is one of the most awkward moments I have seen on the show, and so bizarre. Mad Max as they call them revealed how his frustration can lead him to being out of control on the show, and this showed it even more.

I Don’t Know What to Make of This,on a Cycle That Starts Again About Every 3 Months,?

Question by soft honesty: I don’t know what to make of this,on a cycle that starts again about every 3 months,?
I start feeling on top of the world-full of energy, and hope, and confidence, and having goodwill twoards everyone, and having intense deep feelings of love and understanding,-and seemingly overnight, I become the exact opposite-no emotion, no energy, no reason, and very intense anger, not the physical kind, I feel I want to ruin everyone’s life, and make them suffer, as I do. After about a month or two this letts up, and I become a “saint again” This has been happening for years now, and I’ve been on almost every type of meds there are, yet they don’t seem to affect it at all.-I have borderline personality disorder, but I’m not sure if this is the cause of it.What may be causing it, and what do I do about it?
P.S>I know the DBT skills training manual backwards and forwards, sometimes it helps with managing symptoms, but the problem itself remains uaffected.

Group Counseling Common Mistakes


Group Counseling Common Mistakes – Drs. Chris Schimmel and Ed Jacobs discuss common mistakes in group counseling from an Impact Therapy point of view based on their book, Group Counseling: Str…


Annie: Living arrangement concerns woman

Filed under: counseling

Ask him again to come with you for counseling to work on your relationship issues, but if he refuses, please go on your own. Your efforts to discuss things lead to defensiveness and entrenchment, and counseling will help you find better ways to …


Counseling Services Available This Week At Monroe High

Filed under: counseling

Counseling services will be available to Monroe High School students this week after the recent deaths of students and former students. Story here: Motorcycle collision kills three near Maybee. Counselors from the Monroe County Intermediate School …
Read more on Monroe Evening News

Top Government Based Residential Drug Rehab Centers Close to Roswell


Top Government Based Residential Drug Rehab Centers Close to Roswell – For Drug Recovery Assistance Call 1-855-602-5102 24/7/365.


Fairfield, OH Alcohol Drug Rehab Announces New Residential Treatment Program

Filed under: residential drug rehab centers

Fairfield, OH Alcohol Drug Rehab is pleased to announce that a new residential treatment program for adults and adolescents dealing with drug addiction is now available in Fairfield and nearby towns. Drug addicts are adults and adolescents who have …


Veterans rehab clinic failed son, his mother says

Filed under: residential drug rehab centers

The mother for a 27-year-old U.S. Army veteran who died of a drug overdose while at Miami's Veterans Affairs Hospital drug rehabilitation center last year says no one told her exactly how her son died. The mother of Nicholas Todd Cutter, whose June …