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Detox Rochester MN | Addiction Treatment Rochester MN | Drug Rehab Center Rochester


Detox Rochester MN | Addiction Treatment Rochester MN | Drug Rehab Center Rochester – Substance Abuse Rehab Center Columbia, MO can assist in starting up an intervention for a fri…


Toronto mayor heads to rehab center

Filed under: substance abuse rehab center

Rob Ford's lawyers said on Wednesday, April 30, 2014, that Ford will take a leave of absence to seek help for substance abuse. (AP Photo/The Canadian Press, Nathan Denette, File). TORONTO (AP) – Toronto Mayor Rob Ford began a leave of absence and …


Bain Capital's grip on addiction–The profit behind 12-step treatment

Filed under: substance abuse rehab center

But rarely do substance-abuse-treatment centers mention medical, psychological, or pharmaceutical approaches to treatment; instead visitors to websites are almost always greeted with the words, "We are a 12-step based program." Alcoholics Anonymous …
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