How Much Porn Is an Addiction?
Question by : how much porn is an addiction?
I just moved in with my fiance and discovered that he watches porn very regularly….like just about every day, and any time I’m not home when he is. (In other words, any chance he gets….)
I know guys like porn and thats okay, but I talked to him about it and I said that it made me uncomfortable that he watched it so much. He told me that if it upset me, he would stop.
Needless to say, I woke up in the middle of the night to find him on his computer watching…porn? Imagine that……
I didn’t expect him to stop as a whole I just wish he would cut down because he makes me feel like he’s extremely dissatisfied with me. I’m really not as insecure as this makes me seem….it’s just, when your guy, who you have sex with very often, feels the need to look up all these naked women constantly it just makes me feel like i’m competing with them. I guess it’s jealousy…
But should I be concerned, or should I just leave him alone? Isn’t this going to hurt our sex lives, ultimately? I told him I think it’d be cool if we watched it together maybe, but it just made me feel shitty that he was always looking up naked girls….
How much porn is an addiction for a guy who has actual sex regularly?
Best answer:
Answer by Oakville rocks
Move out.
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