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Archive for the ‘Depression Counseling’ Category

Growing Kids Strong – Are We in a Childhood Depression Epidemic?


Growing Kids Strong – Are We In A Childhood Depression Epidemic? – – Dr. Sylvia Gearing discusses some of the statistics of childhood depression and why the problem is getting worse with each generat…


One In 13 Schoolchildren Take Medication For Behavioral Disorders

Filed under: childhood depression

A higher percentage (9.9 percent) of children with Medicaid or CHIP coverage used prescribed medications compared with those who had private insurance (6.7 percent) or were uninsured (2.7 percent). Children living in poverty (9.2 … Oppositional …
Read more on RedOrbit


CDC: Child Vaccine Program Prevented 731K Deaths, Saved .7T

Filed under: childhood depression

During the first 20 years of the Vaccines for Children program, routine childhood vaccinations have prevented an estimated 731,700 premature deaths, 21 million hospitalizations and 322 million diseases, according to a CDC report published Friday in the …
Read more on California Healthline

? Depression Self Help Books Review


? Depression Self Help Books Review – Depression self help books we introduce you to some NEW ways ? ?- to Manage your Thoughts through your feelings. Effective Guide-book to overcome depression….


Redefining the Future of Sex and Impacting the World

Filed under: depression self help

I want to be open about the struggle to build your own business and #startupstress helps tell the real story. I'm interested Cindy, how is it that you've never had a … It is a combination of technology and psychology, and ultimately, it delivers …
Read more on Huffington Post


What Makes You Neurotic?

Filed under: depression self help

“People of all ages today, and most especially young people, are awash in self-confession, not only in the reality-show of pop culture but in the increasingly public availability of almost every waking thought, through Facebook, Twitter and other …
Read more on Pacific Standard

How Does One “battle” Depression?

Question by ?Rojas?: How does one “battle” depression?
I am so depressed and I don’t know why. It’s been going on for a week and a half. I am afraid it will never end, though I’m sure that isn’t the case. How do you know if you have a serious problem or if it is just a phase? And, how do you deal and overcome?
It seems like nothing is making me happy. I am just “blah” all the time. i can’t laugh or really feel joyful…
I have a lot going on, bug things, but i don’t know why I am so depressed about any of it…I dom’t even know which thing I am depressed about.

Best answer:

Answer by dog owner
Start reducing your idle time. Keep moving, busy yourself with hobbies of any kind from bible study to wild,crazy sex and anything you might be willing to do between.

Integrating Trauma Therapy Into Addiction Recovery


Integrating Trauma Therapy into Addiction Recovery – Dr. Mike Barnes of CeDAR inpatient addiction treatment and talks about the cutting edge of addiction treatment: addressing traumatic charge a…


Bay Area Recovery Center Introduces New Alcohol Rehabilitation Services

Filed under: inpatient addiction treatment

Patients can be admitted into a BARC alcohol treatment program as an inpatient, outpatient or a person who is partially hospitalized. Inpatients get a 12-step support group orientation, in addition to relapse preventions, structured activities …
Read more on PR Web (press release)


Fast facts about some obstacles to heroin sobriety

Filed under: inpatient addiction treatment

Treatment facilities are packed. Inpatient rehab is costly. Insurance companies have refused coverage. Addicts looking to get clean from heroin often face an uphill battle. A look at the process, and some of the obstacles to getting sober …
Read more on Tallmadge Express

Marriage Counsellors Hobart Azure 1 TAS


Marriage Counsellors Hobart Azure 1 TAS – Azure 1 located in Hobart is an excellent choice if you are look…


Evangelical minister praises David Cameron for declaring Britain "Christian"

Filed under: marriage counsellors

"He went on to express his thanks for the work churches are doing with food banks, youth work, debt counselling, and enhancing the life of thousands of local communities up and down the land. "Secondly, he said he would be making his voice heard …
Read more on Epsom Guardian


How to turn a middle-class woman into an online gambling addict

Filed under: marriage counsellors

They'd never gone into the red during their 40-year marriage. The bank told him there was no mistake — and that's …. After speaking with a counsellor, she plucked up the courage to admit her problem to Rob. She also contacted the websites she had …
Read more on Daily Mail

Is This an “Eating Disorder” What Should I Do?

Question by : Is this an “eating disorder” what should i do?
Hi , im 15 and im depressed about everything . I dont feel like i have the potential to do anything good in life . I feel fat all the time , i skip meals so i wont feel guilty about eating and when i see other girls i admire how thin they are and i want to look like that . People tell me im skinny but i hate my body . i dont like my legs i have stretch mark, im embarrased to ever show a guy or my friends how i look. I constantly feel self concious about the way i look i hate it . I cry alot . My mom tells me if i dont stop shes going to take me to an eating disorder place but i dont think im that bad. I just want to be skinny . I know my family loves me but it doesnt feel like its enough . I hate everyone sometimes i just dont want to talk to my friends anymore. I cant tell them this because i dont want to look weak or have them see me differently. Im crying now because i feel stupid for feeling like this. I ate fast food earlier and im so mad at myself because i feel fat . Its 10:35pm , no ones home and self harming has crossed my mind several times . I dont know what to do .i dont want to go to school anymore i hate being around people. I go to church and i feel good but then i go back to my old ways and get depressed. I dont know what life is anymore . This is what i look like now and i still feel like shit. . i dont think ill ever be good enough for myself ,idk what to do anymore.