Posts Tagged ‘talk therapy’
Are Clinical Psychologists Limited to Only Clinical Psychology?
Question by Ello G: Are clinical psychologists limited to only clinical psychology?
Say… If I became a clinical psychologist, but wanted to switch to a counseling psychologist, or industrial psychologist, etc. Could I make the switch right there? Or would I have to go back for those degrees?
Best answer:
Answer by michele
In most states (though not all), psychologists’ licensing is GENERAL. In other words, whether you have trained as a clinical, counseling, or I/O during your doctoral work, you all get the same license – a generic license as a PSYCHOLOGIST (no specializations). The difference comes in the way in which you market your services, which should be based on your training (i.e., those who trained in counseling psychology call themselves “counseling psychologists”).
~Dr. B.~
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Talk Therapy – Advice –
How Much Should Therapists Spend on Marketing?
How Much Should Therapists Spend on Marketing? – A common question among counselors and therapists in private practice is “How much money should I spend on marketing?” Dr. Anthony Centore and Eli Overbey an…
How to Choose a Mental Health Provider
Filed under: counseling therapists
Treatments range from medication to talk therapy to cognitive-behavioral therapy. Those who do not respond to more conventional treatments can discuss further options with their doctors. Also, consider whether you need medications, counseling, or both, …
Read more on Sioux City Journal
Counseling service for military personnel preps for open house events
Filed under: counseling therapists
The Soldiers Project-Wyoming Chapter is located on the old Riverton hospital property at North 12th Street East and East Lincoln Avenue, in a home refurbished by Lander therapist Charlie Wilson. Local realtor Richard Emond transferred the Habitat for …
Read more on The Ranger
Sociophobia, What Happens Now?
Question by : sociophobia, what happens now?
i posted other questions, someone said, “Please get help, before you get house bound!! and have panic attacks!!!” i am having panic attacks, and are house bound. What do i do? The doctor cant get me help for 2 months, psychologist is full, i am so unhappy, i feel neglected, please see if u can answer my other questions x
Best answer:
Answer by OkieRoadhunter
In the case of my brother, he filed for Social Security disability, and stays home and gets a check (paid for in part by your tax dollars) for doing nothing.
Two months is too long to wait. Find another doctor. If you can’t get in to see a psychiatrist, go to your regular doctor, and ask for a prescription of Xanax, generic name Alprazolam. It is what will be prescribed by the psychiatrist, and any Dr. can prescribe it.
Please note that I said “psychiatrist”. While seeing a “psychologist” for talk therapy is a good idea, they can’t prescribe drugs, and an anti-anxiety medication is what you need.
In Recovery for Anorexia. HELP:(?
Question by EllaBELLA: In recovery for anorexia. HELP:(?
15 years 5’4 1/2
currently, 41 kilos
Okay so around 5 months ago I became ‘anorexic’ seems silly because I never thought I had strong issues about my weight but I obviously did and I defiantly do now. I was around 49 kilos before anorexia and in my lowest point it had dropped to 39 kilos which was 5 weeks ago since then i’ve put on 2 kilos. I hate that i’ve put on so much but they force me to eat! If i don’t eat they say they’ll send me to Cambridge, i’ve already spent a month in hospital which was horrible and I don’t want to go into Cambridge! No one understands I use to have half a can of soup a day and now I have a huge meal plan which consists of..
What Are the Steps in Becoming a Mental Health Counselor?
Question by Jesus: What are the steps in becoming a mental health counselor?
What classes do you take in college?
Best answer:
Answer by jannsody
A licensed mental health counselor (LMHC) typically has a master’s degree from a program accredited by CACREP. Some U.S. states use the term “licensed professional counselor” (LPC), however, both professional titles require a master’s degree.
Just an fyi that the counseling/social work (and nursing) field is supposed to have a high burn-out rate.
With regard to schooling (for any field), please do *avoid* those private For-profit schools such as devry, ITT tech, strayer, U of P, capella, argosy, regis, pima medical, keiser, Everest, concorde career and others. Their course credits usually do NOT transfer to other schools, even if the for-profit school is regionally accredited as opposed to only nationally accredited.
How Effective Is Therapy for Depression?
Question by Gianna: How effective is therapy for depression?
Did you get “better” from therapy? Were you able to get over any emotional baggage you had?
I just need some insight.
Thank you.
Best answer:
Answer by petrof_skinsky
Yeah, “talk therapy” has helped me a lot with my depression. It helps you figure out the roots of your depression and helps you come up with plans to combat the depression in the future. Give it a try!
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Go With That – Bilaterally Stimulating Software (non-narrated) – This video shows the basic features of Go With That. Go With That can be used within a variety of psychotherapy treatments and techniques. Go With That may b…