Posts Tagged ‘high school’
Chesterfield Township MI Drug & Alcohol Rehab 586-276-7490
Chesterfield Township MI Drug & Alcohol Rehab 586-276-7490 – Chesterfield Township MI Addiction Help Today 586-276-7490 Looking for a rehab for drug addiction?…
KY's Operation UNITE oganizes national Rx Abuse Summit
Filed under: drug & alcohol rehab
Another keynote speaker is actress Melanie Griffith, who is in long-term recovery for alcohol and substance abuse, including prescription drug addiction, according to the summit's web site, which also calls her "an incredible champion for drug and …
Read more on The Courier-Journal
Christie speaks with compassion on drug addiction and treatment
Filed under: drug & alcohol rehab
At his State of the State address in January, Christie introduced a member of the audience named Craig Hanlon, who he said was a drug addict at the age of 16. He went through rehab, finished high school, went to college and ultimately got a law degree.
Read more on CNN (blog)
Sean Campbell Discusses His Positive Experiences With Psychological Counseling
Sean Campbell Discusses His Positive Experiences with Psychological Counseling – Sean Campbell, award winning speaker and mental health advocate, speaks to the campus and general community at Dabney S. Lancaster Community College in Clift…
Man sentenced to 90 days in jail over weekends in Route 20 collision
Filed under: psychological counseling
She has undergone physical, vision, occupational and speech therapy and psychological counseling. “He had no right to do this,” she said. “Why does he get to live his life when I'm still suffering?” Bantin-Barney told the judge, “Before the accident …
Read more on Buffalo News
Lara Courrier seeks re-appointment to Mineral school board
Filed under: psychological counseling
I am a graduate of Keyser High School, attended Potomac State College, have a bachelor's degree in psychology from West Virginia University, and have a master's degree in counseling from Marshall University. I am a licensed professional counselor and a …
Read more on Cumberland Times-News
Does Anyone Know of a Free Sexual Trauma Counselor in San Antonio, Texas?
Question by Apophis: Does anyone know of a free sexual trauma counselor in San Antonio, Texas?
I recently encountered in my life, a person who committed a horrible sexual offense against my child. It has caused significant mental trauma for both myself and my child. I need a resource to go to, here in my hometown for trauma related to pedophilia. I cannot afford health insurance. I need a free counselling service. I hope someone can help me, because each day that goes by…I feel more and more close to homicidal…since the man was never put in prison. There has got to be at least one good source out here.
Best answer:
Answer by killakron_420
if there is anywhere in your area that provides std kits/condoms or anything of the sort a “free clinic” i believe they’re called, they usually have resources for sexual crisis, including counseling services. Also, if you don’t know of any, you can try the guidance department of a high school, they also have this info. available.
Idaho Drug Detox Rehab Centers 1-800-303-2938
Idaho drug detox rehab centers 1-800-303-2938 – Millions of people around the world are addicted to drugs. From marijuana and cocaine to ecstasy and methamphetamine, different people have addictions to dif…
Colorado High School Offers Treatment To Drug Users
Filed under: drug counseling programs
From the Here & Now Contributors Network, Jenny Brundin of Colorado Public Radio looks at a pilot program at a high school in outside of Denver that is now offering drug treatment alongside of biology and Spanish. Read more on this story via Colorado …
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'X-Men' director Singer named in sex suit
Filed under: drug counseling programs
Singer "manipulated his power, wealth, and position in the entertainment industry to sexually abuse and exploit the underage Plaintiff through the use of drugs, alcohol, threats and inducements which resulted in Plaintiff suffering catastrophic …
Read more on KSPR
What Should I Do About My “depression”?
Question by deeprest85: What should I do about my “depression”?
My parents think I have depression but I don’t believe in conventional therapy. I used to think about suicide when I was young and told my parents a couple of times, but whenever I said anything I got the same generic advice that I should go to therapy or what-not. It’s BS— I’m not crazy, I just think my life sucks. I don’t need some shrink analyzing my feelings or asking me questions. Frankly, when people tell me I have so much to live for, that just pisses me off more because I know I don’t. I’m getting tired of everyone giving me reasons not to kill myself. Anyway, I started smoking pot and I’ve noticed that I don’t feel like killing myself anymore. But now everyone that knows I toke gives me the ol’ “Drugs are bad, MMKAY” speech. I’ve tried to explain that pot helps my depression but nobody understands. I haven’t smoked Mary J in a few days but now I feel the depression coming on again. My question is: is it ok to smoke pot if it prevents me from ending my own life?
I have been to therapy before once or twice but it did nothing for me except piss me off more and waste my parent’s money.
Help Me With My Eating Please..whats Wrong With Me?
Question by : help me with my eating please..whats wrong with me?
overall i want to be a healthy eater and exercise atleast 4 times a week,, il keep this up for 3-4 days then binge, not exercise and even eat the foods im allergic to! i hate myself when i do this i really want to keep healthy and know i have some psychological reason im breaking my diet all the think maybe i have an attachment to food or like i see unhealthiness as the real me or something…why do i eat the food when i dont want to
i weigh 97lbs…im not fat?
Best answer:
Answer by SparklenShine
Maybe your just not getting enough to eat.
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Health and Support
Filed under: counseling eating disorders