Posts Tagged ‘domestic violence’
Online Marriage Counseling Online Couples Therapy Imago Relationship Therapy Call: 4435707598
Online Marriage Counseling Online Couples Therapy Imago Relationship therapy Call: 4435707598 – Online Marriage Counseling Online Couples Therapy Imago relationship therapy Call: 4435707598. I’d like to welcome you to our site,….
'Ban Bossy' campaign prompts debate
Filed under: gay couples counseling
Alicia Clark, a Washington, D.C., psychologist whose specialties include parenting and couples counseling, lauded the campaign's suggested alternatives to bossy and ideas for fostering leadership in girls, but she sees a broader sense of social anxiety …
Read more on Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Make sure you notice the warning signs of alcoholism
Filed under: gay couples counseling
… Abuse Council for South Louisiana have seen the disease of addiction not only affect the individual, but millions of family members, including fathers, mothers, single parents, couples — straight or gay, regardless of ethnicity or social group …
Read more on Daily Comet
Introduction to St. Luke’s Medical Center Behavioral Health Center Chemical Dependency Program
Introduction to St. Luke’s Medical Center Behavioral Health Center Chemical Dependency Program – Therapist, Ellie Schafer, talks about the St. Luke’s Behavioral Health Center chemical dependency program.
Netsmart Forges Path to Coordinated, Integrated Care with its California …
Filed under: behavioral health center
Netsmart continues to provide knowledge leadership and collaboration-oriented technology solutions to county-based and private behavioral health and addiction services providers in California. Netsmart's innovative clinical and business solutions …
Read more on WebWire (press release)
Suncoast Mental Health Center receives funding from John's Island Foundation
Filed under: behavioral health center
For more information about Suncoast Mental Health Center, please contact Art Ciasca, CEO, at 772-489-4726, or [email protected], or visit This story is contributed by a member of the Treasure Coast community and is …
Read more on TCPalm
The Need to Be Right – Individual & Couples Counselor Kelley Hopkins – Alvarez
The Need To Be Right – Individual & Couples Counselor Kelley Hopkins – Alvarez – Based in Ridgefield CT, Fairfield County, Individual and Couples Counselor Kelly Hopkins – Alvarez in this video di…
Would you go in for a stayover relationship?
Filed under: couples counselor
Says relationship counselor Seema Hingorrany, "Stayover relationships are ideal for couples, who have had a failed live-in relationship. It lets couples spend quality time with each other, without it impinging on their space." Post a comment. Sensex …
Read more on Times of India
Domestic Violence Court Strives to Reform Batterers
Filed under: couples counselor
Jose said he and his family have introduced positive activities into their lives through their church and couples therapy. "You've come a long way since you were 16," Bollar said. "I won't be seeing you again." The court is often the first time …
Read more on Twin Falls Times-News
Does My Girlfriend Have Borderline Personality Disorder? and Is It Just a Mild Version?
Question by Tiyanna V: Does my girlfriend have borderline personality disorder? And is it just a mild version?
My girlfriend is 21 and from the very beginning we were very comfortable with eachother. She opened up to me rather quickly telling me that she would jump from relationship to relationship usually ending them by cheating on one guy and continuing a relationship with the new guy. This was her cycle until she met her most current ex that she was with for 2.5 years. However cheated on him twice. She told me she was with him for so long because he bought her nice things and she would spend extravagantly with him. (the excessive spending) When she gets depressed she goes on shopping sprees spending thousands at a time. She also opened up to me early saying that she was raped at the age of 10 and during that time her parents were going through a divorce. During out relationship (its been 6 months) she will be very dramatic about random things and get annoyed easily often pushing me away but will get over it rather quickly. She has moodswings and she can cry on demand (thats what i think) but she cries and then will compose herself very quickly. When things got really bad and i was gonna break up with her, she cut herself multiple times and even said things that showed she was thinkin of killing herself. When im mad at her I will often ignore her for a complete day and she will become frantic and call me nonstop and text me nonstop and she will come to my house/work and wait for me outside my house (this was one time). She says she HATES it when people ignore her. Our sex is really fun and started the 2nd day i met her. Its frequent (she always wants to whenever we can) and she likes it rough and likes to play like im “raping” her but she HATES using condoms and refuses. She can get anxiety fairly easy and she is very manipulative to get what she wants. When i broke up wit her once in public, she through a tantrum (stomping her feet, bangin her head against the wall, and yelling and crying). When she wants to keep me around she tells me im a perfect bf for her and then she will switch n say that i dont care about her at all. She has really low self esteem and is self concious always thinking people are judging her (which she says is due to her modeling). She is constantly lieing and even when I call her out on it she still holds true to her lie unless i have evidence. She had bad memory and will repeat stories over and over. She used to do coke (or still might) and smokes a pack of cigs a day. She currently sees a doctor for ADD and takes Adderall. Do these disorders go hand in hand? Could the adderrall be makin her BPD more apparent? She told me she saw her doctors paper n it said “Neurological disorder?” n it was circled yes…she says her dad wont tell her what thats all about, n im not sure if shes hiding the fact that she does have BPD or if she doesnt know herself that she has it. I know this sounds like i just read the symptoms and repeated them and put them all in to one girl. But this is real and i know it sounds like its pretty obvious she has it…but i think its mild. Is it possible for BPD to be mild? Her mood swings are only when we are having a difficult time in our relationship. The BPD symptoms are only apparent when we are having problems in our relationship and not entirely in her platonic or mutual relationships or with her family. Any and all insight will help. Im not sure if its a disorder or if its just her personality cause how can you blame some things on a disorder like this if its just how you are. She also has friends that act in the same manner. Could I be making her BPD more apparent, what are ways to help her with this from my end?
Forgot, she will also do a lot for me, usually going out of her way to bring me lunch, and buy me nice things. She is constantly giving to her friends and is always taking care of people.
Also she is pretty self absorbed, and cares alot about superficial things.
also, she always wants to spend time together as much as possible. She doesnt really have the symptom of wanting me and then pushing me away. Shes convinced that she loves me and always will. Shes very good at maniplating me and reads me very well.
i appreciate all the responses…im afraid that her BPD is developing and im in the beginning. It seems her family may know something she doesnt because they just recently started her therapy…the thing is they for some reason just started it now and shes 21. So I have a feeling they wanted to monitor it because they are afraid it going to start getting worse…
she doesnt have this symptom:
College Question? Only Experienced People Help Please!?
Question by monica: College question? Only experienced people help please!?
I want to get a BSW (bachelors of social work) and then eventually a MSW. I’m curious though what should I major my a.a in? I really want to do it in childhood education, just incase social work doesn’t work out I will have a back up plan. Could I do this?
Best answer:
Answer by Baron
I do not understand what you mean by “aa”? A Bachelors is followed by a Master’s. Do you mean your concentration while studying at the Master’s level? Such as “counseling” or “group dynamics” or “childhood disorders” or “substance abuse” or “elder care”???? Is this what you are asking?
Childhood EDUCATION sounds problematic to me, as first off, when you indicate EDUCATION, you would be competing with folks who hold a Bachelors of Arts in Education, as well as those who hold that degree and are moving forward with their own Master’s. They would be given preference, and do not underestimate the power that being in the school system has. If you are aiming at being a School Counselor, then I think you could angle that, but a teaching position as a failsafe I would say probably not.
I Need Help With My Essay?
Question by Pretty thang: I need help with my essay?
My name is Rebekkah. i am 30 years old. I graduated from California State University Dominguez Hills with a Bachelor’s of Arts degree in Pschology. Most of my concentration courses were in Abnormal Psychology, Psychology of the Aging, and The Family. My passion is to work with individuals and families that suffer from mental health and conduct disorders, substance abuse, and family violence issues. I believe that treatment must first begin with involving the entire family.
I have five years of experience working in mental health field with a variety of clients.
First, my job experience working as a mentor/tutor with low-income at-risk children introduced me to the mental health field. And as a result of this experience, I am dedicated to pursuing a career in Marriage and Family therapy. I also have worked with clients in a residential treatment facility who have behavioral and emotional problems. These clients need to be in a more structured environment where treatment can help them overcome their behaviors. I have experience in working with clients to set initial goals and a plan to meet his/her goals. SEcond, my experience as a case manager in handling domestic violence cases taught me that there needs to be professions that can be emphathetic to their needs and situations. I believe that I can bring my attributes to your program of being an empathetic person, compassion, and maintaining confidentiality.