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For Catholics:Can Father Michael Pfleger Be Censured for His Rants at Trinity United Church of Christ?

Question by auntfran8: For Catholics:Can Father Michael Pfleger be censured for his rants at Trinity United Church of Christ?
What can,or will,the Archdiocese of Chicago do with him because of his unbecoming unpriestly rants at Trinity United Church of Christ,the church that Sen. Barack Obama just resigned his membership from?

What’s more,is that this wasn’t even a Catholic church that he was a guest speaker at.

The Catholic church in this country has had enough problems dealing with the current sexual abuse scandal,and,also a shortage of priests & nuns.

In my opinion,the last thing it needs is for someone like Father Michael Pfleger to do the ranting that he did as a guest speaker in Chicago at a non Catholic church.

Ranting anywhere in my opinion is wrong!

If he was censured by the Archdiocese of Chicago,would they also respect his right to free speech?

Best answer:

Answer by KC Superstar
In my opinion, the Archdiocese would only censure him if he said comments in opposition to the Catholic Church.

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Sociological – Church – By: Anne Charis T. Dela Cruz.