Posts Tagged ‘the answer’
Psychology vs. Psychiatry & Pre-Med?
Question by Izzy E: Psychology vs. Psychiatry & Pre-Med?
Please clarify if there are other options besides medical school in order to work clinically in the psychology field. I intended to study pre-med as an undergrad, enter med-school and receive an MD in order to be a psychiatrist. But is there another way I can be a clinical practitioner (e.g., work in the psychology/psychiatry field authorized to administer medicine to patients, rather than just counsel?)
Thank you.
Best answer:
Answer by drdr
only an MD can prescribe drugs (and some psychiatric nurse practitioners); and, “just counsel” is pejorative in nature; generally speaking, psychologists may have a greater depth of knowledge of behavior than psychiatrists; drugs are at times the problem and not the answer
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Korean People Overcome With Grief (13)
Korean People Overcome with Grief (13) – Support us by Like and Sub here grief,grief counseling,grief and loss,dealing with grief,g…
AUDIO BOOK REVIEW: 'We Are Water' not what I'd hoped
Filed under: suicide grief
As a young child, she witnesses the drowning deaths of her mother and baby sister in a huge flood; her father's grief at this tragedy dooms her to victimization by a pedophile cousin. This pain comes shrieking out in Annie's art, and … Orion himself …
Read more on Sarasota Herald-Tribune
Rick Warren: Look to the cross, we can't find the answer anywhere else
Filed under: suicide grief
Ahead of this weekend's Easter celebrations, megapastor Rick Warren has released a short video in which he shares the hope that the resurrection brings and the way his faith has helped him to deal with grief. Having lost their 27-year-old son Matthew …
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Has the Field of Psychiatry Been Infilitrated by Drug Companies?
Question by Ð4MÃN!™ (End the Fed!): Has the field of Psychiatry been infilitrated by drug companies?
Psychiatry, in a pure sense, should not involve drugging people. Psychiatrists should seek to cure their patient’s mental disorders or issues through natural means, and this is VERY possible. There is no need to drug over 30 million Americans every day. Its ridiculous.
I believe the answers is yes, so the real question may be: To what extent?
Psychiatrists are sponsored by drug companies, and are so loose with their prescription pads. They don’t do much asides from prescribing drugs. Its unfortunate, really.
Richard Louv, a scientist who studies a term he coined himself, “natural-deficit disorders” studies how so many of the mental disorders which psychiatrists work can be dealt with through other means, such as exposure to nature. It is absolutely not necessary to drug millions of Americans.
I’m not sure what the percentage is, but a substantially large percentage of the American population takes drugs for depression-related purposes.
What Do You Think About AA?
Question by Sam Rutledge: What do you think about AA?
I’m only 19. But I drink every night just about, and when I drink I do it just to get as drunk as I can befor I pass out. I quit doing coke about two years ago, but I can’t stop drinking. Sometimes I will even mix in a few pills when I drink. I’m trying to streighten out my life, but I’m slipping back into my past. Hanging out with old friends, The same old hang out places. I keep telling myself that I can controll it but now I’m not so sure. I’m afraid of going back to the heavy drugs. I don’t want to go to rehab because I don’t think it would work, I drink because I fell alone. I know it’s a cleche but that’s how I feel. My relationships have been bad, I don’t relate to my family, and my friends who don’t drink or do drugs just yell at me all the time. I dint know I guess I’m just looking for the answers to life and I’m failing at it at the same time.
Affordable Pest Control and Lawn Solutions Davie Florida
Affordable Pest Control and Lawn Solutions Davie Florida – The Spiraling Whitefly Florida is attacking a wide variety of palms and fruit trees, and is creating a uni…
Older drivers may be impaired after just one drink
Filed under: drug addiction rehab center
Changing drinking limits for drivers is not necessarily the answer, however, said Janina Kean, president and CEO of High Watch Recovery Center, a drug-rehab facility in Kent, Conn. "If you are going to drive an automobile you should not drink at all …
Read more on CBS News
VIDEO: Recovering drug addicts and parents share painful lessons, hope
Filed under: drug addiction rehab center
The family knows they're lucky Michael DeCosta – who overdosed on heroin and went to a number of treatment centers before getting clean two years ago – is alive. But they're mindful of the fact that internally, he will always be an addict, Suzanne …
Read more on Poughkeepsie Journal
Myths and Fears About Children & Grief
Myths and fears about children & grief – Myths and fears about children & grief Please visit and click on the End of Life section for information about grief, lo…
University of Miami Mourns Footballer Jojo Nicolas on Twitter
Filed under: anticipatory grief
Fans, students, and Nicolas' former teammates took to Twitter to send their prayers and communicate their grief. … Before the crash, Davis' Twitter was filled with anticipatory statements of your typical club night, and after the crash, he was …
Read more on New Times Broward-Palm Beach (blog)
Has China Awoken a Sleeping Giant in Japan?
Filed under: anticipatory grief
The answer is no. 4. Would Japan give China the satisfaction for these two issues. No. And what does China get in return- a lot of grief. And I don't want grief. So I say, just leave it …. That almost certainly gives the Chinese an opening to greatly …
Read more on the Diplomat