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Posts Tagged ‘the answer’

Cop Said, “Drug Addicts Are Useless.” What Do You Think?

Question by T: Cop said, “drug addicts are useless.” What do you think?
I was watching cops today. There was a cop that pulled a woman over and said to her this is a known drug area. “Drug addicts are useless. They should all be swept off the streets.” Do you agree? Many drug addicts I’ve known are very creative talented people.

Yes I want the cops arresting people dealing hard drugs in my neighborhood. And users need help. I don’t understand why there is such negativity when it comes to drug addiction. Very little compassion. Drug addiction needs to be handled as a mental health issue instead of a crime. Jail just creates bigger drug addicts that turn to criminal behavior because no one seems to care enough to help.

Drug Recovery. Do You Manage It or Do You Have to Be a Recovery Natzi?

Question by Erin: Drug recovery. Do you manage it or do you have to be a recovery natzi?
20 years ago i went through rehab. Life went on. I finished college, got a job and a long the way discovered that I am just fine with social drinking. It doesn’t trigger me into anything destructive. I know I have a vulnerability when it comes to some drugs… so I take care around those types drugs and abstain from them.
I don’t personally see anything wrong with managing a propensity towards addiction without complate abstanance from all substances if you’re happy and functional. I have maybe 1 or 2 beers twice a month with my fish tacos.
20 years later, is it really necessary to be a recovery natzi? Some people in the program can’t wrap their heads around it. But is that becasue they need to abstain from eveything and can’t wrap their heads around being able to have a drink without becoming dysfuctional about it?
Looking for you .02. I saw a shrink for something unrelated but she gave me lots of grif over the fact that I was in rehab 20 years ago (for a drug)that I now drink.
If I have not had any issues or problems socially drinking for 15 years, why should I stop now just because I had a problem 20 years ago? I just don’t get it – it doesn’t make sense to me. The point, is that it’s fun, and cultural.
I’m afraid the more I talk to recovering addicts, the less I relate.

Does the Bible Counsel a Christian to Pay Off All Debt Before Investing?

Question by yachadhoo: Does the Bible counsel a Christian to pay off all debt before investing?

Let’s say someone has over $ 100,000 in student loans to be paid back over 30 years at a fixed interest rate of 2.8%…
And, for the sake of argument, let’s say that no tax deductions can be made towards interest paid towards this loan (as interest on a home mortgage can).

From the world’s perspective, the wisest financial advice would be to pay the minimum monthly towards this loan and invest the rest of your money, as 2.8% isn’t that difficult to beat, even with very low-risk investments.

But, what Bible passages speak to this?

Would you point out “stewardship” verses and say that we are to be good stewards of that which God has given, and thus should wisely invest the money rather than paying off the loan early?

Questions About “Open Marriages” Seriously Just Curious?

Question by Kay: Questions about “open marriages” Seriously just curious?
So how does it work?
Does one spouse just be like
“hun, I am going out to the bar tonight to pick someone up, is that okay?” and then would you tell the person of interest that you were married and had an open marriage? If so, have you ever been denied because you were married?

Would you care if your spouse had repeated sexual encounters with someone, would it be considered an affiar (assuming you knew about it)

So what if there was a pregnancy that happened in the marriage, if it happened from the “other” partner, what happens?
Like if the wife got pregnant, does the husband still love the kid like his own?
or if the husband got another woman pregnant, what would happen then?

Why Can I Not Find Help for Depression Without Being Treated Like a Drug Addict?

Question by Kay: Why can I not find help for depression without being treated like a drug addict?
I have been fighting depression for a while. I see a psychiatrist and have been in the “psych-ward” at the hospital. Why is there not help for couples to work together to help their spouse with the issues of depression instead of isolating them from the ones they love and categorizing them as addicts or someone who is insane? I’ve found these “retreat” centers for women, but I can only guess that since NONE of them list their fees, it’s outrageous! I cannot even find any seminars around here! Why can’t someone with depression get help in a loving, kind way with the support of a loved one? Taking me away from my family just makes me worse! Gosh, and your friends won’t talk to you about it and the ones that would are the ones you don’t want knowing all your business! These message boards for depression are quite depressing themselves! Where is there help?
I have been tested & do have a vitamin D deficiency in which I am treating, but results could take a while. I have heard the “get over it”, “take a warm bath”, “it’s all in your head” approach to depression. Over the past four years I have seen many doctors & been tested for just about everything known to man. I do have deep rooted issues. Ones that I would love to be able to just “forget about”. However, when one major trigger of my depression continues to be an issue, it’s hard. While I appreciate your advice and your “tough love” type approach, it’s that type of advice that drove a friend of mine to hang himself a few months ago. Some people are not to the point that they understand or know how to “get over it” or “get out & do something”, it’s hard to simply lift an arm some days. People say “I’ve been there”, but never assume you’ve felt what someone else has or is feeling. Yes, I’m frustrated! I’m sick of hearing people say do this or that… show me! Quit telling me & help me!
I do not mean to sound ungrateful. I am very close to my wits end. I’ve researched depression. I’ve read and read…… but reading is not helping me obviously. All I’m asking is for someone to quit making me feel like an idiot and try to help me understand how to do these things. That’s why I’m asking about help with a different approach. I need my husband to also understand these “techniques” so that in my weakness, he can help, not do it for me….. but help! That’s what he wants to do but nobody will explain to either of us what to do. If depression is just something you can snap yourself out of, then perhaps I have been misdiagnosed. Now, I’m even more frustrated!
KIETH! Believe it or not, that makes sense to me. Thank you for not treating me like a baby having a tantrum! This is what I’m looking for. Although what you say may seem whacky, it is a perfect description of my whacky problem! I am going to print this and dwell on this until I truly reach it’s depth. If you have suggestions on books or other advice. I would greatly appreciate it. THANK YOU!

Book Recommendation for Alcoholism? Please Help!?

Question by nene: Book Recommendation for Alcoholism? Please Help!?
Okay I know there are a MILLION alcoholism books out there but I was wondering if anyone could recommend one for a certain type of alcoholic, She’s not the type of alcoholic that drinks constantly, all day or even every night – she’s they type that drinks maybe one or two times a week but cannot control the amount she drinks once she starts. She drinks to the point of blackouts where she doesn’t remember what she said or did. This has long been putting strain on the family because of her actions when she drinks, (most of which she claims not to remember.) After a particularly bad night she always says that she’s never going to drink again, and every once in a while she’ll go several weeks without drinking but she inevitably a party or a wedding happens and then it starts all over again. The last time my parents drank together a few weeks ago they got in such a bad fight it almost cost them their marriage. She said she was done drinking after that.
My mother just got her second DUI last night, the one before that was 3 years ago. I need to know if anyone knows a good book I could get for her. I know she needs to get into an AA program but I am looking for something to supplement that. I’m sure any alcoholism book would be helpful but I’m afraid that if I get her one that is too focused on the ‘pouring vodka on their cheerios’ type then she will find a way to convince herself that the book does not apply to her. Sorry this is so long, I guess I just needed to get a little off my chest right now because I just found out about this and my husband is at work. I have to go pick her up from jail tomorrow and I was hoping to maybe pick up a book for her on my way.
Okay thank you for the answers so far, but I’m not just looking for someone to type ‘Alcoholism books’ on google and post the links. I’m quite capable of doing that myself. I am looking for someone who has actually read a particular book which they found helpful that they can recommend.
Like I said in my original question I am aware that she needs to go to AA. I cannot force her to do that. I am doing what I can here, which is to try to provide her with something that may open her OWN eyes to the fact that she needs to go to AA, because all of us asking her to go has not helped yet.