Posts Tagged ‘domestic violence’
Can Anybody Provide a Way or Place to Verify That Crisis in Chinese Means Opportunity?
Question by nsgrace: Can anybody provide a way or place to verify that crisis in Chinese means opportunity?
I used to work at a place called “Lorain County Dislocated Workers Service Center” about 16 years ago that had this huge poster on the wall saying that crisis is opportunity in Chinese. I want to use that in a presentation but feel the need for verification. I tried an online translator but that did not help. Can anybody out there help me find this somewhere?
Best answer:
Answer by Posca
Hi there,
I think it’s a great idea to interpret this into your presentation!
Crisis in Chinese = ?? (? = symbol for danger)
The ? in crisis is a symbol for opportunity (opportunity = ??)
I hope this wasn’t too confusing.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Religion Book Review: The New Guide to Crisis and Trauma Counseling by H. Norman Wright
Religion Book Review: The New Guide to Crisis and Trauma Counseling by H. Norman Wright – This is the summary of The New Guide to Crisis and Trauma Counseling by H. Norman Wright.
First military and trauma conference held at Brody
Filed under: trauma counseling
First military and trauma conference held at Brody. The first Military and Trauma Counseling conference will be held on Oct. 17 at the East Carolina Heart Institute. The conference will cover many issues facing military and veterans returning from …
Read more on ECU The East Carolinian
Dorchester woman opens music therapy studio
Filed under: trauma counseling
McEntegart's clients include small children, teens and adults, who visit the studio to express their emotions and learn how to cope with a variety of traumas and disorders. They usually are introduced to the process with the djembe, a tall, African …
Read more on My Eastern Shore
Can’t Find Enough Info Online. Can Someone Explain to Me How a Hypervigilant Wife Would Treat Her Husband? ?
Question by Eccentric Dad: Can’t find enough info online. Can someone explain to me how a hypervigilant wife would treat her husband? ?
Assuming that the husband was doing nothing to intentionally harm his wife, what kind of behavior would a person who was being hypervigilant have? My wife’s parents participated in domestic violence a lot when she was a kid. She calls her parents “alcoholics” and she explains their relationship as “they hated each other”. But I am nothing like her father. I sincerely love my wife. So what can be done about hypervigilance and in what other ways can this manifest besides her constant defensiveness against men (mainly me).
Best answer:
Do You Agree With Obama’s Public Health Care System?
Question by Jared P: Do you agree with Obama’s public health care system?
How it’s being paid for? How it will operate? What are your thoughts?
Why or why not?
Best answer:
Answer by jimporsche86
Yet another way for him to own us.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Secure Your ID Day is Saturday
Filed under: free online counseling
… person looking to shred is allowed to bring up to three boxes or bags of documents. Items should be removed from binders and staple free. Certified computer, electronics and cell phone recycling services will also be available, as well, certified …
Viagra no perscription usa
Filed under: free online counseling
Family Counseling Services
Family Counseling Services – Shot by Mike Mayer and Ryan Gurrentz. Edited by Ryan Gurrentz, and piano background provided by Ryan Serwin. This video was made to promote Family Counseling…
Local Business Briefs published Oct. 6
Filed under: family counseling services
In addition, both are trained in child and family traumatic stress intervention, a four-session intervention to facilitate healing from trauma. Outpatient therapists at Intermountain's new Community Services Center include Kelly Killham, Greig Hern and …
Read more on Helena Independent Record
Federal government shutdown hitting home
Filed under: family counseling services
Thousands more access services ranging from youth outreach and parenting classes to family therapy and support groups. More than 350 homeless youths and victims of domestic violence and sexual assault call the agency's 24-hour crisis lines each month; …
Read more on Stockton Record
I Need Money to File for Bankruptcy. Where Can I Turn?
Question by sadinLA: I need money to file for bankruptcy. Where can I turn?
I have $ 30,000 in medical and credit card debt from when I was going through cancer treatment. I have lost everything in trying to pay this down,. Recently one of the collection agencies sued me and won a judgment against me for $ 17,000.
Currently I am living on unemployment, which only pays the rent, utilities and food and nothing more. When I get a job they will start garnishments, which will leave me with just about what I get from unemployment. Not enough to save for anything.
I had a free and very long phone consultation with an attorney, but it will cost between $ 1500 and $ 2000 to file for bankruptcy, which is the only thing that will get me a fresh start at this point. Problem is, I just don’t have it. I’ve sold everything and anything of value just to keep a roof over my head.