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Posts Tagged ‘depression treatment’

New Treatment for Depression


New treatment for depression – One in ten people suffer from depression but not all respond to traditional treatments such as anti-depressants. The London Psychiatry Centre are using a new…


Ian Thorpe admitted to rehab for depression treatment, his manager James

Filed under: treatment for depression

The manager of Olympic swimming star Ian Thorpe says the five-time gold medallist has been admitted to a rehab clinic where he will be treated for depression. James Erskine has told the ABC that Thorpe was found disoriented early Monday morning in the …
Read more on The West Australian


For Depression Treatment, Meditation Might Rival Medication

Filed under: treatment for depression

On the list of ways in which meditation appears to benefit the brain, depression treatment may be the latest to gain scientific backing. A new review study, out yesterday in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) Internal Medicine …
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Coping With Depression and Anxiety Through Ayurveda by Dr. Vipul Khira Part 2


Coping With Depression And Anxiety Through Ayurveda By Dr. Vipul Khira Part 2 – This video is a talk by Dr. Vipul Khira at HELP on 4th-June-12. Topic “Coping With Depression And Anxiety”. This is part of the HELP Talk series at HELP, Hea…


Canadian research teams lead charge in companion depression treatments

Filed under: coping with depression

An estimated eight per cent of Canadians will suffer a major bout of depression in their lifetime and four to five per cent of Canadians deal with clinical depression in any given year. The last few decades have brought an influx of effective …
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Young Readers' Edition: Anorexia is about more than just the food

Filed under: coping with depression

New Depression Treatments


New Depression Treatments – New Depression Treatments Official Website : Just listen to these success stories that prove the Depression Free M…


Researchers document connection between concussions and depression in teens

Filed under: depression treatments

Maiken Scott is a reporter for WHYY's award-winning health and science desk, and covers behavioral health issues. She has reported on a wide range of topics in that field, including new treatments for depression, the impact of stress on people's well …


Depression Among Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients Much Higher Than Previously

Filed under: depression treatments

“This may seem obvious but has not been reported before and is important because without treating the depression, the patient's DAS28 score might not improve as much as it should on a biological drug, and doctors may assume the drug is ineffective,” Dr.
Read more on Medical Daily

How to Deal With a Delusional Bipolar?

Question by Hat: How to deal with a delusional bipolar?
My mother is a bipolar and started having delusions that I am hacking into her home network and spying on her, stealing money from her and her family’s bank accounts, tapping into her phones, etc… She seems to have gathered ‘evidence’ for my non-existent criminal activities and she’s 100% convinced that this is happening. Is it possible that this will eventually go away? Every time I counter her ‘evidence’ it seems to do no good. Is there any way to cure delusions?

Best answer:

Answer by McCall Evans
Medications and therapy help tremendously. Perhaps once your mother is no longer in a period of mania you could start family therapy. Mental illness is often a family illness.

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Mental health in South Africa: a dose of criticism

Depression: (4) the Best Treatment for Depression


Depression: (4) The Best Treatment for Depression – Comparison of treatments for depression.Both medications and psychotherapy have been shown to help alleviate depressive symptoms. Surprisingly therapy may ha…


British doctors start prescribing books to help treat depression, anxiety and

Filed under: depression treatment

Doctors have been prescribing books to help treat patients with depression in hopes that reading will help them find connections. Under a new program that launched in June by Britain's National Health Service, primary care physicians may recommend …
Read more on Raw Story


Depression by overactive immune system

Filed under: depression treatment

“What is very clear from my research is that an overactive immune system attacks the brains influences and in that case a very physical cause of the depression. This sheds new light on the treatment of patients with chronic inflammatory diseases such …
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See Now Depression Treatment Facilities


See now depression treatment facilities


Fresh Start Private Management, Inc. Announces Letter of Understanding to

Filed under: alcohol addiction facilities

Fresh Start Private Management, Inc. (OTCQB: CEYY) is an alcohol treatment and rehabilitation company on the leading edge of alcohol addiction treatment. The company has developed a highly effective program consisting of two main components used by …
Read more on Wall Street Journal


Legislators should increase taxes on cigarettes and alcohol

Filed under: alcohol addiction facilities

Some public facilities have been declared smoke free zones]. Likewise, I wish to suggest that the government and all members of parliament legislate a significant increase in duties or other … Editor, I can assure you that if this course of action is …
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