Posts Tagged ‘counseling psychologists’
Are Clinical Psychologists Limited to Only Clinical Psychology?
Question by Ello G: Are clinical psychologists limited to only clinical psychology?
Say… If I became a clinical psychologist, but wanted to switch to a counseling psychologist, or industrial psychologist, etc. Could I make the switch right there? Or would I have to go back for those degrees?
Best answer:
Answer by michele
In most states (though not all), psychologists’ licensing is GENERAL. In other words, whether you have trained as a clinical, counseling, or I/O during your doctoral work, you all get the same license – a generic license as a PSYCHOLOGIST (no specializations). The difference comes in the way in which you market your services, which should be based on your training (i.e., those who trained in counseling psychology call themselves “counseling psychologists”).
~Dr. B.~
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Directive Decision Making
Directive decision making –
Foxconn New 'War' in Helping Workers' Psychological Health
Filed under: counseling psychologists
If any of the one million Foxconn employees across China is having any problem related to work, relationships, legal rights or personal problems, the professionals are just a phone call away. There's also a counseling room decorated with bright-colored …
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Psychological Consequences Of Calling Obesity A Disease
Filed under: counseling psychologists
Among her duties is counseling her patients on nutrition and weight. And she's with us from member station KUOW in Seattle, Washington. Dr. Walker, welcome back to you. Thanks for joining us once again. LESLIE WALKER: Thank you, glad to be here.
Read more on WBAA
About Clinical Psychology?
Question by Captain Smitty: About Clinical Psychology?
Can you tell me about it?
I’m confused as to what the job of a clinical psychologist is.
Is this professional counseling?
Any added facts would be great!
Thank you.
Best answer:
Answer by Sugar
There is not a Major difference .
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Visting professor speaks on challenges of manhood
Filed under: counseling psychologists
Michael Iezzi, a counseling psychologist at the student counseling center, said the event was inspiring. “What I take away from it is, we don't have to necessarily buy into all of the things that make you a macho man and you can just be yourself …
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Margaret Lavin:
Filed under: counseling psychologists
What Is the Difference Between a “Counseling Psychologist” and a “Clinical Psychologist”?
Question by **leigh**: what is the difference between a “counseling psychologist” and a “clinical psychologist”?
Best answer:
Answer by Alexander Denton
Counseling psychology is a psychological specialty that encompasses research and applied work in several broad domains: counseling process and outcome; supervision and training; career development and counseling; and prevention and health.
Clinical psychology is the branch of psychology concerned with the assessment and treatment of mental illness and disability.
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Tri-Valley: Livermore program teaches helpful parenting skills
Filed under: counseling psychologists
Finally, their child saw a school psychologist, who recommended family counseling. The couple also enrolled in the Parent Project, a training program that teaches Tri-Valley parents how to improve communication skills with their children and enforce …
Read more on Contra Costa Times
Salary for Counseling Psychologist?
Question by gooner23: Salary for Counseling Psychologist?
Can someone please tell me what the salary is for a counseling psychologist? I would like to know the salary for it with each type of degree as well. Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctorate.
I have my heart set on being a counseling psychologist, but I’ve heard mixed stories on the salary of it. Some tell me that it’s about 40k a year and it sucks. Some tell me they make a lot, 100k if you’re really good. And some tell me it just depends on where you work and how big your client base is.
I’m going for a Master’s degree, and I’m estimating my student loans after college to be somewhere between 50-70k, so I’m kind of worried.
Best answer:
How Many Graduate Credits to Be a Counseling Psychologist?
Question by me!: How many graduate credits to be a counseling psychologist?
I want to get a master’s in counseling psychology. I know some schools differ, but for the most part, how many credits would I need in order to get a master’s?
If I would go for a PhD, how many credits would I need?
Best answer:
Answer by David
The most common pathway is to do a PhD in Psychology which depending on the programs takes 5-7 years full-time including the internship year. There are some other pathways too, the most common one being a PsyD (4-7 years full-time), but all of them are doctoral, which means that 4 years full-time is the minimum. (The number of credits is somewhat irrelevant since different universities have a different number of credits per year.)
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South Louisville Ministries has a new home, leadership team