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“HELP”!!!!! …..I Have A.?… .. Addiction.. and Seriously! in Love With.?…?

Question by [email protected]: “HELP”!!!!! …..I have a.?… .. Addiction.. and seriously! in love with.?…?
I think i have a Jogging..”Addiction”! problem, because i run like an animal! every other day.And because i love-it so much,i tend to fall in love!.. with (any girl), who i find- out run as well.I imediately find myself, falling in love with girls and worshipping them if i see them running.I also give heavy girls lots of respect and admiration when i see them (jogging)or trying to.Bottom line.. I LOVE JOGGERS!!!!!!…(p.s)does anyone think like i do, about exercise? if so…send me an email so we can get that, “runners-HIGH!” together!..

Best answer:

Answer by somechick25
Run Forrest!!

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