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Archive for the ‘Depression Counseling’ Category

What Should I Do About My “depression”?

Question by deeprest85: What should I do about my “depression”?
My parents think I have depression but I don’t believe in conventional therapy. I used to think about suicide when I was young and told my parents a couple of times, but whenever I said anything I got the same generic advice that I should go to therapy or what-not. It’s BS— I’m not crazy, I just think my life sucks. I don’t need some shrink analyzing my feelings or asking me questions. Frankly, when people tell me I have so much to live for, that just pisses me off more because I know I don’t. I’m getting tired of everyone giving me reasons not to kill myself. Anyway, I started smoking pot and I’ve noticed that I don’t feel like killing myself anymore. But now everyone that knows I toke gives me the ol’ “Drugs are bad, MMKAY” speech. I’ve tried to explain that pot helps my depression but nobody understands. I haven’t smoked Mary J in a few days but now I feel the depression coming on again. My question is: is it ok to smoke pot if it prevents me from ending my own life?
I have been to therapy before once or twice but it did nothing for me except piss me off more and waste my parent’s money.

John and Dirty Cary – Anger Management


John and Dirty Cary – Anger Management – Today John and Cary go to an anger management counselor to talk about their differences, but things get complicated when the mob is involved. Made using Movi…


Case for lawmaker Olsen's husband ends with plea deal in Stanislaus County

Filed under: anger management counselor

The trial for the husband of a state lawmaker ended before it began as attorneys agreed to a plea deal that requires eight weeks of anger management counseling for defendant Rod Olsen. Olsen, who is married to Assemblywoman Kristin Olsen, pleaded …
Read more on Modesto Bee


Man sent to prison for strangling girlfriend in front of son

Filed under: anger management counselor


Question by Grace: Depression?
I think i may have depression but my dad doesnt really get why i would be depressed and is making me more sad whenever he says something about it. HOw do i get him to be more supporttive?

Best answer:

Answer by Simply ? Amazing
You should get him to take you to the doctor. And while you’re there, tell them how you’re feeling. Most likely they will perscribe something to you, and talk to your dad about it so he knows you really do need help.

Good luck =]

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



See now clinical depression treatment options


National Depression Screening Day 2013


National Depression Screening Day 2013 – National Depression Screening Day 2013.


The true impact of depression in the US

Filed under: depression screening

Even still, depression affects an estimated 5-8% of Americans, a third of whom aren't seeking treatment. What's more, only 2.4% of primary care physicians regularly screen for depression. Addressing the stigma and getting affordable care for these …
Read more on VOXXI


Few Spine Surgeons Used Psych Screening Before Surgery

Filed under: depression screening

The US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommends that spine surgeons screen all patients prior to operating. However, few surgeons did such screening in a recently released study. Depression and anxiety may factor into how well a patient …
Read more on dailyRx


Study: Depression risks increase for young dads

LGBT Data: Politics, Policy, & Practice Part 4


LGBT Data: Politics, Policy, & Practice Part 4 – 10th Annual Update & Anniversary Celebration April 9, 2011 LGBT Data: Politics, Policy, & Practice Part 4 of 5 Featuring: Gary J. Gates, Williams Distinguish…


'Gay cure' bill moves in Assembly

Filed under: gay counseling

Hoylman, a strong LGBT rights advocate in the Legislature, called some of the methods applied in conversion therapy "barbaric," and said the practice as a whole does not work. Hoylman said the Southern Poverty Law Center has identified two licensed …
Read more on Legislative Gazette


Nonprofit Spotlight: Bienestar

Filed under: gay counseling

What services does Bienestar provide? Bienestar South LA provides free HIV testing, needle exchange, individual counseling for gay men & transgender women, mental health therapy, workshops for gay men & transgender women, as well as support groups …
Read more on The South Los Angeles Report

Is Obama the Biggest Hypocrite We Have Ever Had in the White House?

Question by Don M: Is Obama the biggest hypocrite we have ever had in the White House?
He says corporate executives shouldn’t fly around in private jets, then takes Air Force One to Chicago–to celebrate Earth Day! (Carbon footprint, anyone?)

He says we can’t eat as much as we want or keep our thermostats as high as we want in the winter, then serves Japanese kobe beef ($ 100 a pound) at a White House party and keeps his thermostat on the warm side.

He opposes school vouchers, then sends his own kids to the very exclusive Sidwell Friends private school.

He doesn’t want executives to party in Las Vegas, but takes Michelle to New York on a taxpayer funded “date night”.

Can you come up with more examples?
Judge Judy–Obama was not a successful businessman before becoming president. Why can’t lefties ever get their facts straight?
A face can’t be hypocritical, and criticism of Obama is not ,racist.