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Can an Ordained Minister in PA With an MA in “Restorative Practices” Counsel in “psycotherapy” W/o Licensure?

Question by aquarianstyle13: Can an ordained minister in PA with an MA in “restorative practices” counsel in “psycotherapy” w/o licensure?
This person has a B.A. from an ivy league school in Molecular Biology and an M.A. in Restorative Practices from IIRP (institite of restorative practices). The program appears to be a 30 credit program and the state requires 60 for licensure. They are an ordained minister from a metaphysical program that taught angel healing, tarot card reading, divinatian, house cleansing, pet healings, reflexology, that sort of thing which they offer.In addition they practice massage therapy, hypnosis and regresions, meditation, shamanic journeying, past life work, raindrop therapy, and use and sell essential oils along with their oracle readings.

They are now advertsing counseling sessions via email blasts and on their website offering “integrative therapy sessions” where they “integrate psycotherapy, energy work, and bodywork” for $ 140-$ 195 hr, as well as “Consling:Psychotherapy” for $ 125/session, claiming an M.A. in counseling but the program is called “restorative practices” and I don’t know precisely what that is, I lookedo their website and there is a restorative practices in youth counseling but its cirriculam looks related to teaching students and they are advertsing to adults via a 270+ person email blast.

Is this legal? Is this ethical? Does the integrative work fall under holism or dual relationship? I know it is against PA licensure to misrepresent yourself but that ordained ministers are allowed to counsel… but can they use the term “psychotherapy” and pair it with massage without having proessional somatic-psychotheapeutic training lke the Rosen Method or Hellerwork? Is the public at risk? They also offer phone counseling sessions where a person can pay through paypal without ever meeting face to face, and I believe that the ACA says you need supervision for that sort of thing at first. I am in an ethics class for professional counselors now and thought this real lif encounter would be a great lesson for me to learn from, please post any FACTS that you have with relative citations.

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Best answer:

Answer by B.B. Wolf
no … the public is in danger ………………..

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Resistance in Counseling and Psychotherapy – Jeffrey T. Guterman describes the progressive reconceptualization of the concept of resistance in counseling and psychotherapy.