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Adolescent Family Behavioral Health Video | Counseling in Grand Rapids


Adolescent Family Behavioral Health Video | Counseling in Grand Rapids – Welcome to my practice. I’m Valencia Agnew and I have been serving the Grand Rapids community as a counselor for over 14 years. My work is based upon a lifelong belief in the unique potential within each and every person I meet, and it is this belief that drives me to help those in need. I have a true passion for helping others, which has given me a diverse set of skills, training, and credentials which I use to help adolescents, adults, families, and couples make powerful positive changes in their lives. I am an expert in the areas of borderline personality, self-injury, and trauma, as well as adolescent, family, and couples therapy. I am also known as a therapist who offers hope to many of the more difficult cases in the Grand Rapids area, and I have been recognized by the school, legal and healthcare communities as being a leading provider of group and counseling services. 12537938 Counseling & Therapy, Relationship Counseling, Couples Communication Skills Groups, Self Esteem Groups, Dialectical Behavior Therapy Groups, SAFE Alternatives Groups, Individual, Adolescents, Family, and Marriage Therapy, Self Injurious Behaviors, Borderline Personality Disorder, Grand Rapids, Michigan, WZZM


A waitlist for mental health

Filed under: behavioral health counseling

The University of Minnesota's Boynton Health Service Mental Health Clinic continues to face a high demand of students seeking appointments, but it's trying to adapt and increase capacity by as much as 15 percent this semester. Boynton has increased …
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Which Counseling Career Path Is Best For You? (Infographic)

Filed under: behavioral health counseling

When it comes to counseling, there are four main types of counselors that you can become. You can choose a path in school and career counseling, substance and behavioral disorder counseling, rehabilitation, mental health and marriage and family …
Read more on Business 2 Community