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Why Is It That When Anyone Asks a Mental Question, Everyone Always Suggest Counseling?

Question by happyfacemommy: Why is it that when anyone asks a mental question, everyone always suggest counseling?
WHY? Counseling is sitting and talking to someone you DON’T know-giving them way too many personal details for WAY too much money. And if you ask me, they don’t really care anyway. That is their JOB. You can sit and talk to a friend or family member for free and call it “counseling”.

Best answer:

Answer by Terrigrrl
Because it WORKS, and it’s also a diagnostic tool.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Cassy Kapsalis LMFT – (510) 525-9394 ? – Cassy Kapsalis LMFT (510) 525-9394 ? 445 Bellevue Ave Suite 104 Oakland, CA Families of all sizes turn to marriage and family counseling to help sort through…