What Makes Alcohol Addicting?
Question by chilipepperbabe: What makes alcohol addicting?
ah see now that makes sense. i’ve always been wondering if there was somthing in it like nicotine in ciggarettes. thanks 🙂
Best answer:
Answer by ALICIA
people like how it makes them feel.
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Professor DJ Civil Rightz teaches on cigarettes and Alcohol addictions – Professor DJ Civil Rightz teaches on the addictions of cigarettes, alcohol, and beer. Although he has never tried any of them–he has witness the harm it has…
Parents, community leaders discuss dangers of marijuana legalization
Filed under: alcohol addictions
Andrea Barthwell, founder of Two Dreams Outer Bank Comprehensive Wellness Center for the Treatment of Alcoholism and Addictions in North Carolina, talked to parents Thursday about what she identified as myths surrounding adolescent marijuana use …
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New Rumson Helpline Provides Hope for Teenage Addiction Recovery
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LIGHTNING RELEASES (4/4/2014) – Teenage drug and alcohol abuse isn't just a serious problem in Rumson, NJ. It's also a serious concern throughout the state. Unfortunately, a large portion of young adults who develop a substance abuse problem are …
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