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What Does “Tobacco Use Txmnt Counseling” Mean on Medicare Bill?

Question by RaWr!: What does “tobacco use txmnt counseling” mean on medicare bill?
A relative went to her hearing doctor and on the medicare summary notice they had listed
1.0 tobacco use assessed(1000F)
1.0 Tobacco use txmnt counseling(4000F-8P)

She has never smoked in her life, and she didn’t get this kind of test or whatever it is at her appointment. What does this mean and why was it claimed? Also, there is no charge for it.
Also, what actions did you take to solve this?
Also, what actions did you take to solve this?

Best answer:

Answer by laughter_every_day
It means the doctor asked if she smoked and said that it was a good thing.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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