What Does It Take to Become a Psychiatrist? I Have Four Years of College and Quite a Few Classes in Psycholog
Question by babygirl: What does it take to become a psychiatrist? I have four years of college and quite a few classes in psycholog
I have four years of college and quite a few classes in psychology. Do you have to get a phd in it to open your own business or work somewhere or can you just get a degree in it. Are there any state board tests to take or anything like that.
also what if I went into theropy or psychology.
Best answer:
Answer by Red One
To be a psychiatrist you need a doctorate because you perscribe pills. If you want to be a psychologist you also need a doctorate. If you want to do other things with in the field of psychology no place will hire you without a degree and most places will not hire you without a masters
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