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What Do I Do in Life in Terms of a Career? Already in My Early 30’s!?

Question by mayerj72: What do I do in life in terms of a career? Already in my early 30’s!?
All these years I went to college, but never got a career going for myself. I am not from the States, so I first went to college in States studying psychology. When I went back to my home country, that coursework did not get accepted, so I started to study medicine. But that didn’t lead anywhere and I had so much problems adjusting to the life in my country. So I went back to the States and did a bachelors in business, with virtually no prerequisites. That I finished, but I can’t find any jobs in the field and have been going into debt. I am really frustrated. I spent so many years in school getting taking worthless classes that did not get accepted in either country. Now I was thinking of studying physical therapy to escape my misery since I originally already studied medicine for a while. But they wouldn’t accept my courses, so I would have to start all over again.

The frustrating thing is that I am nowhere, just running up money and going into debt, not achieving anything. I just got the degree in business because I wanted to be able to get a secure job. I have no clue what to do anymore. I don’t know why I ever even went to school.
If I study physical therapy, I will have to start all over again. Another 5 years or so, plus the financial expenses. But I don’t know what else to do. In my country I am already way too old for anything.
I have also been working throughout my entire life. After my business degree I tried to get a career going in that field. Got a decent job, but hated it. Then the economy became so bad and my job was gone. Now I am not sure if I should switch.

So just to make it clear. I have been working. Even hard jobs where I had to work 16-18 straight and dirty jobs and stressful jobs for little pay.

Best answer:

Answer by mecurious
I got some excellent help for the same problems from career counseling. The counselor helped me identify what I like to do, what I’m good at, what kind of jobs use my skills, and where to look for them. I got a job that really suits me. Look for “career counseling” on the Internet for your city, or visit the career office at the university closest to you. If they don’t take non-graduates, ask them for referrals. Good luck! Help is out there, all you have to do is find it, and that’s not hard.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


Giving help, getting help, Feb. 7

Filed under: referral counseling

To see if you qualify for these programs, contact the I-CARE (Insurance Counseling Assistance and Referral for Elders) program of the Central Midlands Area Agency on Aging/Aging and Disability Resource Center at (803) 376-5390, ext. 309 or 312.
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This includes nutritional counseling by a licensed dietitian. According to the SCDHHS, "Licensed dietitians must have a referral from a physician which helps support balanced clinical and nutritional interventions." Nutritional counseling can help the …
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