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What Can a “Marriage Counselor” Do to Improve Your Sex Life?

Question by Joe B: What can a “marriage counselor” do to improve your sex life?
I always read here about people recommending “marriage couseling” for a variety of problems ranging from not getting enough sex to wanting sex from somebody else.

Is this guy some kind of miracle worker? What exactly can he/she do for you?

Best answer:

Answer by CamelToe Gourmet
They all do the same thing – he or she will tell you that you should be nicer, wash the dishes and stuff, and expect less, and then tell her that maybe she should be less grouchy when she’s turns you down, and that she should be very specific about when she wants you to do the dishes so there’s no confusion…

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Marriage Counseling: Do You Feel Provoked?

Filed under: find a marriage counselor

Counselor: “Not yet. You have got your hands full with you. Before you can start to address his behavior, you must find out what pleases yourself. You can do that by doing living on your own terms of how much help is enough. You can choose to set some …
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Relationship Connection: My husband's an addict, what do I tell my kids?

Filed under: find a marriage counselor

If you and your husband are having difficulty knowing how to talk with your children about this, then I recommend you work with a counselor so you can both take a unified approach. If your husband ultimately doesn't want to say anything … can be an …
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