Posts Tagged ‘washington state’
Local and Best Drug Abuse Treatment Centers in Washington 855 602 5102
Local and Best Drug Abuse Treatment Centers In Washington 855 602 5102 – Call 1-855-602-5102 for Local Drug Rehab Treatment Programs in Washington State T…
Conference on teen drug use set for Oct. 25
Filed under: drug abuse counseling
Dinklage said the program is “user-friendly” for students seeking help with addiction problems or those with risk factors that could lead to substance abuse. She said that a counselor is available in the secondary schools in districts with the program …
Read more on Warwick Beacon
City, advocates plan outreach efforts after withdrawal of Raspberry Court proposal
Filed under: drug abuse counseling
The campus also would have replaced drug-abuse treatment programs currently housed at the dilapidated Clitheroe Center near Ted Stevens International Airport. Already, Anchorage has 40 fewer treatment slots than it needs, said Britteny Matero, …
Read more on Anchorage Daily News
How Is a Person Who Needs a Service Dog Able to Train It Themselves?
Question by Julie D.: How is a person who needs a service dog able to train it themselves?
I’ve seen people post this all the time on this site, but I don’t understand it. I thought that a service dog was for people who were handicapped in some way whereas a service dog would provide a REAL service to them, such as a leader dog for a blind person. Also, from my understanding, an emotional support dog is NOT the same as a service dog, and therefore is not entitled to the same privileges. If this is true, then how can someone *train* their own dog, buy a service dog vest on Ebay, and get away with it, if that person does NOT have a physical handicap such as being blind, having MS, etc.? Are they just trying to screw the system because they want their pooch to be able to go everywhere with them? Do people actually get away with the legalities that are involved with this?
7 Steps to Becoming an Expert Depression Therapist With Hypnofit
7 Steps to Becoming an Expert Depression Therapist with Hypnofit – See what the participants had to say about Hypnofit’s 7 Steps to Becoming an Expert Depression Therapist with Helen Mitas.
Alarm over depression therapy cuts
Filed under: depression therapist
Funding for talk therapy is drying up just as increasing numbers of New Zealanders are feeling comfortable talking about their problems. The country's biggest income protection insurer, Sovereign, says claims for depression have reached a crippling 40 …
Read more on New Zealand Herald
Married hypnotherapist accused of sexually assaulting 18-year-old patient …
Filed under: depression therapist
A hypnotherapist from Washington state has been charged with raping an 18-year-old boy who came to him for help with depression and anxiety. According to prosecutors, Ayhan Yavuz, 58, of Bothell, had his patient perform sex acts on him as part of what …
Read more on Daily Mail
Is It Possible to Get Addicted to Sugar?
Question by iluvsuperpenguin: Is it possible to get addicted to sugar?
I started eating sugar plain recently, mainly brown sugar and powdered sugar, and I can’t seem to stop! Is this a phsysical or only mental?
I guess it started when I was craving something sweet, and there was nothing around except sugar. But then I started to choose sugar over, say, chocolate.
Best answer:
Answer by Ye Olde Caveman
It is physical.
Sugar gets into blood fast.
Gives brain and body a jump start.
Brain learns to like that and crave more as soon as sugar level in blood drops.
Why you think caveman risk life to get honey from beehive?/
Give your answer to this question below!
Markus Heilig, NIH – Personalized Treatment for Alcohol Addiction – NIH IRP Research in Action: Markus Heilig and his team pursue personalized medicine t…
Is Marijuana Addictive?
Is Marijuana Addictive? – See what you can learn on the go with the new Howcast App for iPhone and iPad: Watch more Marijuana Facts & Medical Marijuana videos: h…
Patrick Kennedy launches local marijuana education group
Filed under: marijuana addiction
… wading into Washington state's marijuana legalization process. He's opening a local chapter of his group that aims to educate people about the health risks of the drug. Kennedy has struggled in the past with addiction to alcohol and prescription …
Read more on KPLU News for Seattle and the Northwest
Memoirs of a Former Drug, Alcohol Addict
Filed under: marijuana addiction
He lets them read from his Living in Another Man's Shadow, an autobiography that details the years he spent as an alcohol, marijuana and pethidine addict. His is quite a story; one of a remarkable turnaround. It begins in his family where he learnt the …
Pet Grief
pet grief – lvl 60 grand dragon vs lvl 12s gimme ya points ya points.
Grieving pet owners find comfort, support after loss
Filed under: pet grief counseling
GVS isn't the only place offering grieving pet owners a place to face their losses. There are a number of pet bereavement groups available online and in person. -A pet loss support group meets at the crematory facilities of Deceased Pet Care in Chamblee.
Read more on Reporter Newspapers
The Rock Doc: Veterinarians learn grief counseling
Filed under: pet grief counseling
I learned about it from Dr. Kathy Ruby, a licensed counselor who works for the College of Veterinary Medicine at Washington State University. “I teach a class for vet students called 'Pet Loss and Human Bereavement,' ” Ruby said. “Veterinary science …
Read more on The Spokesman Review