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Posts Tagged ‘pet loss’

Chance’s Spot – Pet Loss and Support Resources


Chance’s Spot – Pet Loss and Support Resources – Chance’s Spot is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting individuals who have suffered the loss of a dearly loved pet. If you are grieving…


St. Hubert's Animal Welfare in Madison and North Branch to hold Easter

Filed under: pet loss support

St. Hubert's services to the community include pet adoption and animal rescue, animal-assisted therapy, humane education, food bank, dog training and pet loss support. St. Hubert's animal shelters in Madison and North Branch, NJ, provide care for …
Read more on Independent Press


'Knight at the Races' – May 10, 2014

Filed under: pet loss support

… principle of the Knights of Columbus, whose members are men of faith and men of action. Primary sponsors for "Knight at the Races" include Council of Catholic Women, Haisley Pet Loss Services, Fort Pierce Orthopaedics, Joe Demarco Knights of …
Read more on Insurance News Net (press release)

I Saw Few Dreams of My Dead Dog Died Again the Dreams?

Question by daisy!: I saw few dreams of my dead dog died again the dreams?
My dog had died again the dream but I couldn’t see his body just saw the blood .. But at the end , he died .. Please help me out what does it exactly means that he died again in the dream

Best answer:

Answer by Edwin
(IMO) it might mean that blood equates to sadness and death of something. Or it might mean you feel like your losing something..or…it might mean feelings of helplessness and you have no control or that there is nothing you can do to stop him or something from ending. Basically unseen dog, blood, and dying again, are the key pictures here. Try to figure out what each one stands for and try to relate it to something you did on that day or felt? Did you have feelings of hurt, was something on your mind? Did any thought of your dog come on that day? etc.

What Do U Thank I Should Handle a Death in a Family?

Question by Cece H: what do u thank i should handle a death in a family?

Best answer:

Answer by Shan
Go to and type “grief” in the taskbar, and enter. Call: The Grief Recovery Institute (U.S.A.) 1-800-445-4808, or Hospice (phone book). Email Chatrooms and forums: and and Other websites: and (coping, supporting others, loss of relationship, or pet) and and and Understand that there are often several stages of grief.

The stages are:

Denial: The initial stage: “It can’t be happening.”
Anger: “Why ME? It’s not fair?!” (either referring to God, oneself, or anybody perceived, rightly or wrongly, as “responsible”)
Bargaining: “Just let me live to see my son graduate.”
Depression: “I’m so sad, why bother with anything?”
Acceptance: “It’s going to be OK.”
Kübler-Ross originally applied these stages to any form of catastrophic personal loss (job, income, freedom). This also includes the death of a loved one and divorce. Kübler-Ross also claimed these steps do not necessarily come in order, nor are they all experienced by all patients, though she stated a person will always experience at least two.

Umm My Cat Just Passed and Know I Am Extremely Depressed.?

Question by N M: Umm my cat just passed and know I am extremely depressed.?
what can I do to help stabilize myself?

Best answer:

Answer by jimmy urine
all you can really do is give yourself time, and you’ll get over it eventually

What do you think? Answer below!



Losing a pet – will I ever love again? – Losing a pet can be one of the most difficult and heartbreaking things to deal with. As a volunteer in pet loss support at our l…


Pethouse Pet of the Week

Filed under: grieving the loss of a pet

Turnoffs: Before we start grieving for the loss of "The Late Show With David Letterman," please tell me one notable interview, one memorable comedy bit from Letterman in the past 10 years. I used to be the biggest Letterman fan, but it's time. Maybe a …
Read more on Houston Chronicle

Healing Pet Loss With Inner Peace Meditation


Healing Pet Loss with Inner Peace Meditation – Healing pet loss at Losing our beloved pet is one of the toughest things we are burdened with as pet owners. Our companion and …


Asheville area events, classes focusing on health

Filed under: pet grief

ASHEVILLE ANGEL PETS CONFERENCE: April 26, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Four Points by Sheraton, 22 Woodfin St., Asheville. Pet end-of-life care and decision-making … GRIEF CLASSES: CarePartners offers grief classes at its bereavement center. Call 251-0126.
Read more on Asheville Citizen-Times


Rocky the Bobcat Returns, But Owner's Relief Soon Replaced By New Grief

Filed under: pet grief

Rocky, the missing pet bobcat that escaped from his Beach Haven West home on Tuesday, March 25, reunited with his owner on Sunday, only to be separated from her again the following day. On Monday, just moments after the animal control van had driven …
Read more on The SandPaper

Is There an Effective Method for “flushing” Body Fat?

Question by Alison: Is there an effective method for “flushing” body fat?
I’m 5’0″ and weigh almost 120 lbs right now. My bra size is 34 DD, and I’m hoping that losing weight will shrink my bust a little bit. I do jog regularly and I am in decent physical shape, but I don’t want to add much more muscle tone to my figure. I’d love to lose fat from my bust, abdominal, and thigh areas. Is there anything I can do that doesn’t involve diet pills or body building? Thanks.

Best answer:

Answer by Lauren
bike riding… makes u slimmer all over

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Helping Kids Cope with Pet Loss : Pet Loss Counseling for Kids: Helping Dying Pets – Is your family pet dying? Get tips for letting your kids help dying pets in this free video clip about coping with pet loss for children. Expert: Denise Urba…