Posts Tagged ‘new york’
A Mother’s Journey of Loss
A Mother’s Journey of Loss – Loss of a 5 month old boy to SIDS.
Products made for die-hard Twins fans — to the end
Filed under: grieving the loss of a child
It's crowned with a carefully preserved autographed baseball, signed with loving messages from her children, grandchildren and squiggly scrawls from her young great-grandchildren. Arnold was known as the “couch coach.” She never … 'We're going to …
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REVIEW: 'Thunderstruck and Other Stories,' by Elizabeth McCracken
Filed under: grieving the loss of a child
A young girl injures her head on a family trip to Paris; a dead child haunts her mother, who tries to scour her way out of pain. McCracken is too fine a writer to let her prose turn maudlin, even as she enfolds her stories in matters of grief. In …
Read more on Minneapolis Star Tribune
Im Ready for a Psychologist?
Question by love: im ready for a psychologist?
i need on thats free or takes insurance in newyork plz hep
Best answer:
Answer by thedrisin
Try looking up the New York State Psychological Association, which should have a directory.
Or, depending on the city you live in, try the city’s local psychological association.
In addition, many graduate schools with psychology programs offer therapy at reduced prices, since the therapists are psychologists-to-be in training and supervision. Look for “counseling clinics” associated with universities and psychology programs.
Look up psychologists in the phone book or on the internet for more information as well.
Good luck!
Give your answer to this question below!
Counseling Program Spotlight at Missouri State University – The Counseling program at Missouri State University emphasizes the development of the whole individual, including not only the academic, but also the persona…
Catherine Sosnowsky – Did You Know I Would Miss You? Book Launch
Catherine Sosnowsky – Did You Know I Would Miss You? Book Launch – Catherine Sosnowsky, BC Director, The Compassionate Friends, talks about Donaleen Saul’s book, “Did You Know I Would Miss You? – on healing loss by suicide.
Host of “Hoarders” talks bottles of urine, liquified cats, and success
Filed under: bereavement suicide
Paxton donated time at the local Comfort Zone Camp, wherein children who've suffered the death of a parent, sibling, or caregiver develop relationships with volunteers, like Paxton, to ease their bereavement. “I just fell in love with that,” Paxton …
Read more on RVANews
The Birth of the 13th Amendment
Filed under: bereavement suicide
Championed by Massachusetts Senator Charles Sumner, the idea posited that secession represented “state suicide,” which meant that the Confederate states were now territories in which Congress could abolish slavery. … characterized the founding …
Read more on New York Times (blog)
Maria McCarron Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
Maria McCarron Cognitive Behavioural Therapy – Maria McCarron talks about Depression, our thoughts and belief systems and ways we can challenge these to improve our mood and alter our patterns of behaviour.
What It's Like to Spend 20 Years Listening to Psychopaths for Science
Filed under: cognitive therapy
What the brain science might do is help inform the cognitive treatment process so maybe you could determine that the easy to treat kids might be ready for release after six months, but these other kids need a full year or more of treatment. You might …
Read more on Wired
Improv for Anxiety: A Stand-Up Therapeutic Tool?
Filed under: cognitive therapy
Known as Improv for Anxiety, the joint program between The Second City and Panic/Anxiety Recovery Center on the city's North Side combines improvisation and cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) to combat social phobia. Clark spoke, along with several …
Read more on Medscape
Is Obama the Biggest Hypocrite We Have Ever Had in the White House?
Question by Don M: Is Obama the biggest hypocrite we have ever had in the White House?
He says corporate executives shouldn’t fly around in private jets, then takes Air Force One to Chicago–to celebrate Earth Day! (Carbon footprint, anyone?)
He says we can’t eat as much as we want or keep our thermostats as high as we want in the winter, then serves Japanese kobe beef ($ 100 a pound) at a White House party and keeps his thermostat on the warm side.
He opposes school vouchers, then sends his own kids to the very exclusive Sidwell Friends private school.
He doesn’t want executives to party in Las Vegas, but takes Michelle to New York on a taxpayer funded “date night”.
Can you come up with more examples?
Judge Judy–Obama was not a successful businessman before becoming president. Why can’t lefties ever get their facts straight?
A face can’t be hypocritical, and criticism of Obama is not ,racist.
Drug Rehabs Colorado
Drug Rehabs Colorado – Drug rehabs in Colorado 888-306-0543 The process of picking from the best drug rehabs Colorado can be very difficult. The…
Mary Lou McDonald on Rehab's 'inadequate' response to controversies
Filed under: rehabs
The group has appointed independent consultant Dr Eddie Molloy to look into its governance and structures, in the hope they'll be able to recover the 'confidence and trust' of the public. It comes ahead of a Public Accounts Committee hearing on Rehab …
Read more on Newstalk 106-108 fm
Matt Harvey attends Knicks game
Filed under: rehabs
… fine and allowable under his rehab agreement with the Mets. Sunday is an off-day for rehab in Florida, so Harvey is free to travel. Harvey rehabs in New York when the Mets are there and at the team's spring-training complex when the Mets are on the …
Read more on ESPN (blog)