Posts Tagged ‘new york’
Dr. Emma Mellon on Dreams
Dr. Emma Mellon on Dreams – Visit Anxiety Counseling of the Main Line on the web: Contact Dr. Mellon via email: emmamellonphd(at)…
Poor sleep linked to teen mental health problems
Filed under: anxiety counseling
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Getting too little sleep might be a sign of – or even a contributor to – emotional problems, anxiety and suicidal thoughts among teens, according to a large study from Europe. Based on data about the sleep habits of nearly …
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WINTER BLUES Shedding light on a SAD situation
Filed under: anxiety counseling
Symptoms include depression, hopelessness, anxiety, loss of energy, heavy leaden feeling in the arms or legs, social withdrawal, oversleeping, loss of interest in activities once enjoyed, appetite changes (especially a craving for foods high in …
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Please Tell Me. What Does This Mean?
Question by meh: Please tell me. What does this mean?
“”If the eyes are the windows to the soul, and grief is the door – as long as it’s closed, it’s the barrier between knowing and not knowing. Walk away from it and it stays closed forever. But open it and walk through it, and pain becomes truth.”
And is it appropriate to use when someone dies, like to say in the funeral or something?
Thank you!!!
Best answer:
Answer by Ana
Not appropriate. It means that it is better to not know about something bad because knowing will make you suffer.
Just say: “My condolences”.
What do you think? Answer below!
UPenn track star jumps to her death in Philadelphia
Filed under: grief condolences
I Need Help Please.. Im Psychologically Addicted to Marijuana?
Question by Achraf: i need help please.. im psychologically addicted to marijuana?
i cant help my self from not wanting to smoke.. i always end up smoking after i tell myself i want to stop. it’ll go 3-7 days good then all of a sudden i just find myself smoking.. i dont know what to do about in new york city cant find any marijuana treatments and got no family to help me.. its like mentally theres another person in me that always gets me to smoke.. i went from being physically fit person to a big pot head addict my life is going down the drain. i cant find a job, im unhealthy, relationships with ppl are ruined and yet i have so much reason to stop, but yet i cant get myself to stop.. i dont know what to do please anyone out there that can help please help..
Drug Rehab, Massachusetts, to Help Stop Substance Abuse
Drug Rehab, Massachusetts, to Help Stop Substance Abuse – SAVE a Loved One’s LIFE: 1-877-748-2833 **Phone Drug Rehab Intervention** Rehabilitation,Center,Addiction,New Jersey Drug Rehab, Massachusetts, to Help Stop …
Chiara de Blasio reveals battle with drug, alcohol abuse, Mayor-elect says he …
Filed under: substance abuse rehabilitation
In a startling revelation on Christmas Eve, Chiara de Blasio announced Tuesday that she underwent treatment for depression and drug and alcohol abuse over the past year. “My mom was trying really hard to help me, any little thing she could, and my dad …
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Retired MLB Player Darryl Strawberry to Open Substance Abuse Treatment …
Filed under: substance abuse rehabilitation
What Do You Do to Hold Onto the Memory of Your Baby Who Has Died?
Question by Aidan Lees Mommy: What do you do to hold onto the memory of your baby who has died?
There are many things a parent can do to honor their baby who has died. No matter the cause- miscarriage, stillbirth, SIDS, health issues, or otherwise- the impact this tiny person has on your heart and on your life will stay with you forever. There is no “getting over” the death of your child.
As bereaved parents many of us do specific things to honor our children’s memory: planting a tree or flowers, donating momentos to your local hospital for newly bereaved parents, donating books for your library on grief and loss, or even voluteering your time at a local children’s shelter…
There is no “guide book” to follow after you lose a much wanted and very loved baby, there are no “rules” for grief- no right or wrong in how you honor the child who has passed away.
Drug and Alcohol Treatment Facility Virginia (512) 858-9600 Drug and Alcohol Treatment Facility VA
Drug and Alcohol Treatment Facility Virginia (512) 858-9600 Drug and Alcohol Treatment Facility VA – Drug and Alcohol Treatment Facility Virginia Call NOVA Recovery…
Trace Adkins checks into rehab after alleged brawl with impersonator
Filed under: alcohol treatment facility
"Trace has entered a treatment facility after a setback in his battle with alcoholism," his rep told The News. "As he faces these issues head-on, we ask that his family's privacy will be respected." Adkins was scheduled to perform on the ship that left …
Read more on New York Daily News
Country Star Trace Adkins Checks Into Rehab
Filed under: alcohol treatment facility
“Trace has entered a treatment facility after a setback in his battle with alcoholism,” his spokesperson confirmed on Wednesday. PHOTOS: Celebs Who Have Been In Rehab. “As he faces these issues head-on, we ask that his family's privacy will be respected.
Read more on Radar Online