Posts Tagged ‘new york’
How Do You Know Which Men Are “programmed” to Cheat?
Question by !: How do you know which men are “programmed” to cheat?
Okay, so my best friend has a baby with the guy she’s been dating fo rliek three years, and they are moving in together and everything. The thing is, he has cheated on her three times. And had sex with other people when they were separated, “but he still loved her”.
So, I think he’s a piece of crap, and most importantly, an unfit father. She’s just one of those people who can’t let go because I think she believes that no one else will want her since she’s so young with a child.
LONG STORY SHORT, I want to give her some proof that “once a cheater, always a cheater” because he HAS NOT changed, she’s just in denial.
For Those Who Consider Atheism a Religion, Would You Think That Atheists Should Be Allowed “Faith Based Funds”
Question by Queen of Yack, Jeff’s Queen!: For those who consider atheism a religion, would you think that atheists should be allowed “Faith Based Funds”
I have seen it many times posted here that “atheism is a religion”.
Also noteworthy to the question is the fact that the Supreme Court has, in the past, regarded atheism as a religion “for purposes on the first amendment”
So I was just wondering should atheist, if they so decided to form a collective, be entitled to the same rights given to religious organizations, specifically “Faith Based Intitiatives”?
Not sure if links are working but here is a link to a 2005 court ruling regarding atheism as a religion.
Thanks for your thoughts.
Best answer:
Answer by bottom contributor
Sadly and ironically, many atheists have the habit of closely resembling ritual observers. But atheism isn’t a religion, regardless of how any atheist expresses their lack of belief in a god.
Cover of “Go Rest High on That Mountain” Written by Vince Gill
cover of “Go Rest High on that Mountain” written by Vince Gill – Vince Gill wrote this when mourning the death of his brother. It’s somehow sweet and haunting at the same time. We learned it for a a funeral, which is both …
Grieving Laura Linney leaves baby at home to mourn Philip Seymour Hoffman
Filed under: grieving loss
A grieving Laura Linney mourned the death of her friend and co-star Philip Seymour Hoffman on Friday, as she made her first public appearance since giving birth to her son. The 49-year-old actress left the Church of St. Ignatius Loyola in New York City …
Read more on Daily Mail
Workshop helps participants cope with loss around Valentine's Day
Filed under: grieving loss
Why Did Eminem Name His Album “Recovery”?
Question by Mikey: Why did Eminem name his album “Recovery”?
Best answer:
Answer by Josh
Relapse and Recovery are a process of drug rehabilitation.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Mingnon Dixon – Love & Hip Hop, Momma D, Drug Recovery & More! –
Film about long-term recovering alcoholics, drug addicts Saturday
Filed under: drug recovery
A local showing of the film “The Anonymous People,” a documentary about the 23 million Americans living in long-term recovery from alcohol and other drug addition, will take place at 6 p.m. Saturday at the Sahara Club II, 2345 Youngstown Road SE.
Read more on Youngstown Vindicator
Darryl Strawberry defends A-Rod on eve of opening Central Florida rehab clinic
Filed under: drug recovery
Tell Me Some Good Love Songs and Good Meaning Too..?
Question by naa: tell me some good love songs and good meaning too..?
Best answer:
Answer by Sara
try these:
lovestory by taylor swift
what goes around………comes around by justin timberlake
kiss me through the phone by soulja boy and
monsoon by tokio hotel
What do you think? Answer below!
Dr. Drew on managing the loss of a loved one – A viewer from New York called HLN’s Dr. Drew Thursday night telling him that she’s having a hard time dealing with loss of her best friend who died last …
Call for more sensitivity for families after hospital death
Filed under: loss of a loved one
CALLS for better care for families who have lost a loved one have been made after a woman died in a Chichester hospital. Penelope Schofield, senior coroner for West Sussex, made the comments following an inquest into the death of Lynda Beech, 62, who …
Read more on Portsmouth News
Why Can I Not Find Help for Depression Without Being Treated Like a Drug Addict?
Question by Kay: Why can I not find help for depression without being treated like a drug addict?
I have been fighting depression for a while. I see a psychiatrist and have been in the “psych-ward” at the hospital. Why is there not help for couples to work together to help their spouse with the issues of depression instead of isolating them from the ones they love and categorizing them as addicts or someone who is insane? I’ve found these “retreat” centers for women, but I can only guess that since NONE of them list their fees, it’s outrageous! I cannot even find any seminars around here! Why can’t someone with depression get help in a loving, kind way with the support of a loved one? Taking me away from my family just makes me worse! Gosh, and your friends won’t talk to you about it and the ones that would are the ones you don’t want knowing all your business! These message boards for depression are quite depressing themselves! Where is there help?
I have been tested & do have a vitamin D deficiency in which I am treating, but results could take a while. I have heard the “get over it”, “take a warm bath”, “it’s all in your head” approach to depression. Over the past four years I have seen many doctors & been tested for just about everything known to man. I do have deep rooted issues. Ones that I would love to be able to just “forget about”. However, when one major trigger of my depression continues to be an issue, it’s hard. While I appreciate your advice and your “tough love” type approach, it’s that type of advice that drove a friend of mine to hang himself a few months ago. Some people are not to the point that they understand or know how to “get over it” or “get out & do something”, it’s hard to simply lift an arm some days. People say “I’ve been there”, but never assume you’ve felt what someone else has or is feeling. Yes, I’m frustrated! I’m sick of hearing people say do this or that… show me! Quit telling me & help me!
I do not mean to sound ungrateful. I am very close to my wits end. I’ve researched depression. I’ve read and read…… but reading is not helping me obviously. All I’m asking is for someone to quit making me feel like an idiot and try to help me understand how to do these things. That’s why I’m asking about help with a different approach. I need my husband to also understand these “techniques” so that in my weakness, he can help, not do it for me….. but help! That’s what he wants to do but nobody will explain to either of us what to do. If depression is just something you can snap yourself out of, then perhaps I have been misdiagnosed. Now, I’m even more frustrated!
KIETH! Believe it or not, that makes sense to me. Thank you for not treating me like a baby having a tantrum! This is what I’m looking for. Although what you say may seem whacky, it is a perfect description of my whacky problem! I am going to print this and dwell on this until I truly reach it’s depth. If you have suggestions on books or other advice. I would greatly appreciate it. THANK YOU!