Posts Tagged ‘new york’
SALOME Study: Treatment of Heroin Addiction (1/2)
SALOME Study: Treatment of Heroin Addiction (1/2) – The SALOME Study will test whether hydromorphone (Dilaudid®), a licensed medication, is as good as diacetylmorphine, the active ingredient of heroin, in bene…
Heroin's Small-Town Toll, and a Mother's Grief
Filed under: heroin addiction
Few understand the way addiction mangles families, she said, and the rippling toll of the tens of thousands of fatal heroin and painkiller overdoses every year. Perhaps it took Mr. Hoffman's death, she said, to “wake up America to all the no-names who …
Read more on New York Times
As heroin problems surge, states expand access to overdose reversal drug (+ …
Filed under: heroin addiction
Bills to expand access to a drug reversing heroin overdoses passed in two state Senates this week, in what appears to be a national rush to tackle a heroin addiction problem whose abysmal toll on communities, from sleepy New England villages to …
Read more on Christian Science Monitor
Why Do You “real”MMA Fans Look the Other Way When Fighters (E.g.,Mir, Silva)disrespect You,but Dont for Lesnar?
Question by BOB: Why do you “real”MMA fans look the other way when fighters (e.g.,Mir, Silva)disrespect you,but dont for lesnar?
When ever Brock Lesnar (greatest MMA figher in history) so called disrespects the fans or sport everyone complains about him being bad for MMA and how he should be banned, but fans wont do this for others. For example, Frank Mir disrespected you and your sport by wishing a MMA related death on Brock Lesanr. Or Anderson Silvia disrespecting you tonight by making people waste their money and time and giving a boring fight. Yet people wont say anything about this! Why? Please explain this to me in detail.
Best answer:
Answer by roy jones jr
Being a MMA fan I’ve personally never condoned negative comments fighters would make.
I wouldn’t call Lesnar best in history (were not at the end of time!) & to my knowledge he has helped the MMA community in a lot of ways. Don’t worry about small comments from fighters. Just worry about if they still have the skills to beat the next person they face. Rashad Evans is a beast!
Why Are People So Harsh Towards Amy Winehouse’s Death?
Question by jdukenumber1: Why are people so harsh towards Amy Winehouse’s death?
i’ve read comments saying “she deserves to die for being a druggie” or “if her family cared that much they would have stopped her, not wait until after she’s dead to start a rehab center” or “that’s one more talentless person gone from the earth” etc… yes, she was a drug addict and she could’ve changed her life around but it amazes me how we can have so much hate. i thought she had a wonderful voice and i liked some of her songs it’s just a shame that she didn’t have more self control.
Best answer:
Answer by Phillip Asterverens
Should have been Winefactory, not Winehouse.
What do you think? Answer below!
How Do I Get Out of the “psychiatrist” Position With a Girl I Know?
Question by Adam S: How do I get out of the “psychiatrist” position with a girl I know?
Known her for a couple months. She’s in a shaky relationship. I’ve given my 3rd person perspective on it. I know the “friend” category is damn hard to get out of (I’ve tried before) but… suggestions?
Best answer:
Answer by Stu
The best way is to make yourself unavailable. Not all the time. But sometimes.
I would suggest this not as a game, but by actually being unavailable 🙂
Women find interesting men interesting. Interesting men are doing interesting things.
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KCPQ Coverage of Dr. Gail Saltz and – The Dating Site for Singles 50+ – OurTime – KCPQ local news show in Seattle, Washington interviews Dr. Gail Saltz, relationship psychiatrist. Looking for love or romance? If you over the age of 50 and …
Addiction Rehab Treatment Centers Boca Raton | 1-800-861-1768
Addiction Rehab Treatment Centers Boca Raton | 1-800-861-1768 – is Boca Raton’s best Addiction Rehab Treatment Center. Contact us at 1-800-861-1768 or read more about our philosophy at https://www.the…
Future of Proposed Camden Rehab Center in Doubt
Filed under: rehab treatment centers
McLean, a Harvard-affiliated, psychiatric teaching hospital in Belmont, Massachusetts, was asked to consider opening an alcohol and drug treatment center in Camden by resident H. Thompson Rodman. The New York and Lincolnville resident, along with …
Read more on MPBN News
Health Addiction With Marijuana?
Question by thing s: health addiction with marijuana?
marijuana im trying to find info on how i can get help for a friend who is addicted to marijuana how to make him self stay off of weed please help me help him
he ask me to help him
Best answer:
Answer by blueberry yum yum!
i’m not sure becaue i personally am addicted to it my self.. just know that there is no physical addiction, its all mental
and if he is doing bad in school, or blowing off his work or other things he has to do, or becomes anxious or paranoid, tell him its the POT. really, it is. if you are tired of your life going down hill and not caring or doing anything about it, get off the weed if you can’t handle it
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