Posts Tagged ‘mental health’
Is Compensation Available for Victims of Bullying in Florida
Is Compensation Available for Victims of Bullying in Florida – The effects of bullying on a child can be traumatic, which is why child victims of bullying in Florida and nationwide are enti…
State Budgets Money For South Fork Mental Health Services, Tick-Borne Illness …
Filed under: psychiatric counseling
The point of securing additional funds for the South Fork was to make emergency mental health services and advanced psychiatric counseling more accessible to teenagers living on the South Fork. “The East End has always been close to being medically …
For docs, stabbings at local school were personal
Filed under: psychiatric counseling
The staff and the patients remained focused and calm, Rubino said, but two counseling sessions were offered to the staff Wednesday, and more resources are being marshaled for the community. … "Some people will need help on the psychiatric level.".
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Complex Feelings About sexuality–I Like Boys?
Question by : Complex feelings about sexuality–I like boys?
Okay, this is going to make me seem like a bad person (that would be my reaction anyway) but here goes…
I have some pretty messed up feelings about my sexuality and I need guidance on working them out.
I find myself checking out underage boys (13-17) all the time.
I would never act on my attraction, though. In fact, I would probably beat the shit out of someone if I found out they had touched a child…
This is not an exclusive attraction by the way, I also like women but not as much.
It would seem to me that my values do not match up with my feelings…i’ve felt this way for like 6 years. (i’m 19)
Has the Field of Psychiatry Been Infilitrated by Drug Companies?
Question by Ð4MÃN!™ (End the Fed!): Has the field of Psychiatry been infilitrated by drug companies?
Psychiatry, in a pure sense, should not involve drugging people. Psychiatrists should seek to cure their patient’s mental disorders or issues through natural means, and this is VERY possible. There is no need to drug over 30 million Americans every day. Its ridiculous.
I believe the answers is yes, so the real question may be: To what extent?
Psychiatrists are sponsored by drug companies, and are so loose with their prescription pads. They don’t do much asides from prescribing drugs. Its unfortunate, really.
Richard Louv, a scientist who studies a term he coined himself, “natural-deficit disorders” studies how so many of the mental disorders which psychiatrists work can be dealt with through other means, such as exposure to nature. It is absolutely not necessary to drug millions of Americans.
I’m not sure what the percentage is, but a substantially large percentage of the American population takes drugs for depression-related purposes.
Best Government Based Alcohol Counseling Close to Kansas City
Best Government Based Alcohol Counseling Close to Kansas City – For Drug Recovery Assistance Call 1-855-602-5102 24/7/365.
Judge finds probable cause in Zillanz Winter Falcon case
Filed under: alcohol counseling
… same amount but added surety. He put the conditions of bond as an ankle monitor, monitored sobriety and that Falcon engage in mental health counseling and follow through with the recommendations of the mental health doctor. Falcon is also not …
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I Need Info From Anyone That Has Detoxed Themself Off of Crack, I Am Trying to Help a Loved One to Get Off It.
Question by ykingrea: i need info from anyone that has detoxed themself off of crack, i am trying to help a loved one to get off it.
i am helping my sister get off crack and really need as much advise as i can get from anyone who has done it or helped someone else. any info or advise about things that are helpful during this process, tonight is the first night that we are starting and i really don’t know much about what i am up against. so symptoms, things to help or anything at this point. thanks
Best answer:
Answer by Nightrider
Been there, done that. My advise? Don’t. But I admire you for caring and taking this bold step. It is a big challenge.
Get your sister into a detox centre. There are professional help available to those who ask. You are asking. So, it is available. It’s free.
Do You Tend to “Play Therapist” With Your Friends and Family Members.?
Question by lorina.: Do you tend to “play therapist” with your friends and family members.?
Best answer:
Answer by Vivie
Sometimes, but that’s just because I know everything! lol
Give your answer to this question below!
Understanding Your Teenager by Grace Tang, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist – NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Alameda County South, California, Monthly Chinese Programs ???????????????:?????,Understanding Your Teenager, Nov…
Family And Friends Testify In McVay Case
Filed under: family therapist
A mental health therapist who's worked with McVay regularly since the murder says McVay began to show remorse for what he'd done several months after he committed the crime. The therapist also noted that once McVay began showing remorse, his …
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J&J Landscaping moves to Raritan Township, adds retail garden center