Posts Tagged ‘mental health’
Los Angeles Drug Rehab Alcohol Rehabilitation Centers
Los Angeles Drug Rehab Alcohol Rehabilitation Centers – Los Angeles Drug Rehab Alcohol Rehabilitation Centers drug free drug rehab teen drug rehab holistic drug rehab drug rehab programs drug addiction rehab inpat…
Addiction treatment specialists say Illinois funding is too low
Filed under: alcoholism rehabilitation
"The heroin crisis was created by neglecting the prevention system and the treatment system," said Sara Howe, a spokeswoman for the Illinois Alcoholism and Drug Dependence Association. "Here we are continually cutting the system. Here we are with the …
Read more on Quad City Times
| From staff reports
Filed under: alcoholism rehabilitation
A KidneySmart class will provide an opportunity for participants to learn about how kidneys function, the effects of kidney disease, the various treatment modalities available to patients, and the role medications, diet and nutrition play in disease …
Read more on Pensacola News Journal
Im Ready for a Psychologist?
Question by love: im ready for a psychologist?
i need on thats free or takes insurance in newyork plz hep
Best answer:
Answer by thedrisin
Try looking up the New York State Psychological Association, which should have a directory.
Or, depending on the city you live in, try the city’s local psychological association.
In addition, many graduate schools with psychology programs offer therapy at reduced prices, since the therapists are psychologists-to-be in training and supervision. Look for “counseling clinics” associated with universities and psychology programs.
Look up psychologists in the phone book or on the internet for more information as well.
Good luck!
Give your answer to this question below!
Counseling Program Spotlight at Missouri State University – The Counseling program at Missouri State University emphasizes the development of the whole individual, including not only the academic, but also the persona…
About Clinical Psychology?
Question by Captain Smitty: About Clinical Psychology?
Can you tell me about it?
I’m confused as to what the job of a clinical psychologist is.
Is this professional counseling?
Any added facts would be great!
Thank you.
Best answer:
Answer by Sugar
There is not a Major difference .
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Visting professor speaks on challenges of manhood
Filed under: counseling psychologists
Michael Iezzi, a counseling psychologist at the student counseling center, said the event was inspiring. “What I take away from it is, we don't have to necessarily buy into all of the things that make you a macho man and you can just be yourself …
Read more on The Daily Toreador (registration)
Margaret Lavin:
Filed under: counseling psychologists
UNICEF: Counseling Children After Latest Violence in Gaza
UNICEF: Counseling children after latest violence in Gaza – GAZA, Occupied Palestinian Territory, 24 March 2008 — A renewed round of fighting that began late last month brought chaos and destruction to Jabalia, locat…
Parenting Fair offers assist for families Friday in Gary
Filed under: counseling children
Vendors will include services such as utility and rent assistance, food banks, transportation, child care, mental health counseling, health insurance and health care counseling, housing and legal assistance. Organizations and individuals also will …
Vigil will promote child abuse awareness
Filed under: counseling children
Often courts order such parents to undergo various types of counseling in an effort to keep families together, with the children's safety an overriding factor, said Rhonda Stubbs, the group's executive director. CASA volunteers visit the families …
Read more on The Daily Times
Geauga County Board of Mental Health & Recovery Services, CEO Jim Adams
Geauga County Board of Mental Health & Recovery Services, CEO Jim Adams – Jim Adams talks about The Geauga County Board of Mental Health & Recovery Services and their programs.
3rd Annual 5K Walk for Mental Wellness Saturday, May 17
Filed under: mental health rehab
On Saturday, May 17, walkers will show support for those living with mental illness by participating in the 3rd Annual Walk for Mental Wellness, led by the local nonprofit Mental Wellness Center (MWC), Santa Barbara's only rehabilitation and social …
Read more on Santa Barbara Independent
Drug overdose numbers still on the rise
Filed under: mental health rehab
The years before Chrystina Carey's death were filled with overdoses, court dates, time spent in rehabilitation and months spent in prison. Chrystina's oldest daughter, Calysta, was placed in the custody of her great-grandmother, Beth Carey said …
Read more on Mansfield News Journal
Are the “Hell Houses” Evangelical Christians Have on Halloween Psychological Abuse?
Question by The Solitary Pagan: Are the “Hell Houses” Evangelical Christians have on Halloween psychological abuse?
Best answer:
Answer by Old Man from Scene 24
Evangelicalism is psychological abuse. Why did you think they would respect your religious day and be different on one night per year?
Add your own answer in the comments!
University Health Center warns against mixing alcohol with ADHD
Filed under: psychological counselors
“We're starting to see lots of scary stories online and we're starting to talk to young people with very negative experiences on ADHD medication and alcohol,” said Duke Engel, an alcohol and drug abuse counselor with Counseling and Psychological …
Read more on Daily Nebraskan
HONG: Debt and the Yale student
Filed under: psychological counselors