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Posts Tagged ‘depression treatment’

Research Finds Links Between Depression and Heart Disease


Research finds links between depression and heart disease – songs about depression,severe depression treatment,depressive disorder nos,depressive,major depression treatment,symptoms of major depression,depression trea…


St. Lucie County Community Calendar, updated March 14

Filed under: alcohol addiction facilities

PSL Community Center , 2195 S.E. Airoso Blvd. , Port St. Lucie . Children's ….. Spring Music Festival : Featuring Astraphobia, Venomous Fiction, Millennium Child, Reach …
Read more on Insurance News Net (press release)


Editorial | Bill would keep some kids in jail

Filed under: alcohol addiction facilities

Removing those provisions cuts the heart out of SB 200 and is an enormous disservice to those who worked on it as well as the more than 1,000 youths locked up each year in Kentucky's juvenile detention centers. Truancy is the leading reason kids end up …
Read more on The Courier-Journal

Do You Know Anything About Cognitive Behavior Therapy? Is It Good?

Question by Sienna Baker: Do you know anything about Cognitive Behavior Therapy? Is it good?
I’m thinking of seeing a therapist and I’ve heard lots of good things about CBT (cognitive behavior therapy).

I’m trying to get out of a never-ending dystructive relationship, and also trying to start a positive one with another man who is long distance… I just want to talk to someone to see if they can come up with a positive way to do this…

Is CBT for me?
Or is there something else I should try?

Best answer:

Answer by ’nuff said?
CBT literally saved my life from suicidal depression. Just to give you an idea of how powerful it is, my psychiatrist said “you probably will never get over your depression.”. I wrote a short story about my experience with it here:

Tell Us Which Depression Treatments Work Well for You


Tell Us Which depression treatments work well for you


New treatments for depression offer hope

Filed under: depression treatments

Then there are those who never get diagnosed because they never seek treatment for their depression – even though there are plenty of treatments available today that have been very successful in combating its symptoms. Some of the treatments for …
Read more on eMaxHealth


UPDATE 2-Shire scraps Vyvanse for depression after failed trials

Filed under: depression treatments

LONDON, Feb 7 (Reuters) – Pharmaceuticals group Shire has halted development of its top-selling hyperactivity drug Vyvanse as a treatment for depression after it failed to treat patients successfully in two late-stage clinical trials. The news sent the …
Read more on Reuters UK


Scientists 'find' new ways to treat depression

TMS for Depression | Emory Psychiatry Center | Atlanta, GA


TMS for Depression | Emory Psychiatry Center | Atlanta, GA – Emory Healthcare has started a TMS study for patients suffering from depression. This video features a patient who has suffered from depression for a number …


Catskill Regional hosts 'Look Good, Feel Better'

Filed under: depression treatment center

HARRIS — Catskill Regional Medical Center's Cancer Support, in cooperation with the American Cancer Society, will host a free program called "Look Good, Feel Better" at 3 p.m. Feb. 18. The program will be held at Catskill Regional … WARWICK —Orange …
Read more on Times Herald-Record


UGA researchers create "brain map" to be used in Alzheimer's diagnoses

Filed under: depression treatment center

Restructuring Negative Core Beliefs


Restructuring Negative Core Beliefs – In this clip from a recent 3-day workshop at the Beck Institute for Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Dr. Aaron Beck discusses the nature of negative core beliefs….


5 Essential Remedies for Treating Depression, Coming 'Back From the Brink'

Filed under: cognitive behavior therapy for depression

Fulfilling work was rated more highly than cognitive behavioral therapy, which is often considered a highly effective depression treatment. Graeme cites the Gallup poll that found that only 20 percent of employees like what they do, but that people …
Read more on Everyday Health


Winter Blues: Lack of Sun Often Leads to Depression

Filed under: cognitive behavior therapy for depression

Postpartum depression.postpartum Depression treatment.medication for Postpartum Depression


postpartum depression.postpartum depression treatment.medication for postpartum depression – ,postpartum depression.postpartum depression treatment.medication for postpartum depression.treating depression natur…


Paying Graduate School's Mental Toll

Filed under: depression counseling

Nearly 40% of graduate students reported feeling hopeless during the previous year, 78.5% said they had felt overwhelmed, 27.2% said they had felt depressed, and 54.5% said they had felt stress over the past year ranging from “more than average” to …
Read more on Science Careers Blog (blog)


World Cancer Day 2014: Palliative care the future of cancer treatment?

Filed under: depression counseling

The high level of medication pushed him to the brink of desolation and kept him in a state of depression since then. Doctors told his adoptive parents of his limited chances of survival. Dejected Rajinder stopped … Support for family members …
Read more on India.Com Health