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Speech Path vs. Special Education?

Question by Emily K ?: Speech path vs. special education?
i am wondering if anyone has any advice on Speech/language pathology vs. Special education for a career?

i would love working with special needs kids but i have no experience at it. but i am also interested in speech path? does speech path require more years of education?
any major differences in hours or salary in the two?
thanks so much (:

Best answer:

Answer by Gregg DesElms
Special education will most likely put you in a school setting.

Speech pathology may or may not. A speech pathologist could also be in any number of other settings… from clinics to private commercial enterprises.

A special education teacher is just a regular teacher with special special-education training and certification.

A speech pathologist is usually considered a healthcare profession… and requires its own kind of training. In some states, said training might even be “vocational” in nature… which, if so, means, for sure, that it can be obtained more quickly than becoming a licensed special ed teacher.

As for income potential, it all just depends on the state and the geography within it, and what kinds of licenses or certifications said state requires for the two areas.

Hope that helps.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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