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Pre-Marital Scenarios


Pre-Marital Scenarios – Special thanks to our pre-marital counselors.


Jesus would back gay marriage

Filed under: pre marital counselors

No Episcopal priest is allowed to solemnize and bless a marriage unless premarital counseling has been done by the officiant or another priest of the church. It is a statement about the seriousness with which the Church goes about marriage. Each priest …
Read more on Salon


Pre-wedding cold feet could signal marital woes

Filed under: pre marital counselors

Researchers from the University of California at Los Angeles found that women with premarital doubts had significantly higher four-year divorce rates, even when such other factors as marital satisfaction, cohabitation, engagement difficulty and history …
Read more on Journal and Courier


Love and Marriage in a Traditional Climate

Filed under: pre marital counselors

I recently sat in on six lectures in a four-week premarital counseling workshop conducted in Cairo by the Muslim Brotherhood, the subject of this week's Female Factor column. I became a familiar face to the young men and women attending the class, and …
Read more on New York Times (blog)