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Please Explain This Feeling of “LOSS” That Many of You Go on About. What Do You Mean?

Question by : Please explain this feeling of “LOSS” that many of you go on about. What do you mean?
Maybe I have another word for it or a different feeling.

I would like to understand what you have lost.

If you were adopted as an older child, I understand. You have memories. Otherwise, you have fantasies. If you were adopted as an infant, isn’t this like longing for a country that you have never visited but only heard about?

And all of you wonderful people who adopted “poor abused neglected children” who were old enough to walk and talk, this question is not to you so don’t get offended.

I am really trying to understand this. Excuse my Boston manner.

Best answer:

Answer by Freedom Forever.
I was adopted as a baby, and yes, I do have a longing to find out my history. I want to know where I come from, why my parents couldn’t keep me and what events lead to my mother making this decision. In some ways, I thank her. Who knows what could have happened to me if she had kept me. At least she put me first and made sure I was adopted into a family that could care for me.
I wouldn’t say I feel a “loss”. I don’t feel like I don’t belong in my family, my brothers and sister, my parents, they are my true family. Maybe not in blood, but in experience and in bonds. I just feel, now that I’m getting older and wiser to the world, that I’d like some answers.
It’s really hard to describe to people who aren’t adopted, and I’m sure not all adopted children/infants get this feeling, I just know that I do.

Add your own answer in the comments!



“Held” by Natalie Grant – (infant loss and grief) – Inspired by a five (5) month old baby boy who left this life on July 7, 2008 after a courageous battle to save his young life. Although we grieve today, we believe in the promise of tomorrow in heaven. There, along with all those that have left before us and also believe in that promise, is Brody…in our Lord’s embrace…held. I personally thank Ed and Sara for giving me glimpses of their amazing love – truly an inspiration. This video is dedicated to all who have lost a child. ~ ~ ~ If you would like to know more about Brody, please visit his Virtual Memorial and let Ed and Sara know you’ve stopped by when you sign their Guestbook: ~ ~ ~


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