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Milton Speech to WV Rehab Counselors


Milton speech to WV Rehab Counselors


Daily Planner: April 18

Filed under: rehab counselors

533-9418. Also Friday. Medicare Counseling: Trained, state-registered volunteer counselors assist seniors, adults with disabilities with Medicare matters. …. Chico Toastmasters: 7 p.m. Enloe Rehab Center conference room, 340 W. East Ave. Larry, 893-4464.
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Lindsay Lohan tells David Letterman that rehab is 'a blessing and not a curse'

Filed under: rehab counselors

The facility is not designed for 90-day stays (the limit is usually 28) but rehab counselors are planning a special program for her. The facility is said to be strict, with bans on smoking, cellphones and provocative clothing. All for a cost of $ 4,025 …