LADIES-Why Are You So Turned Off by Guys Smoking Weed?
Question by joe: LADIES-Why are you so turned off by guys smoking weed?
Im fit,have a job, and go to school. So why are girls so turned off by it?? I only do it once all my responsibilities are taken care of and I would never let it change my relationships with the people I love. So why is it such a deal breaker for girls?? I do it once or twice a week its not like i’m a stoner who “wakes and bakes” all day everyday. im in college btw
Best answer:
Answer by Kaleigh
I personally hate the smell. And I think it’s the fear that it could be something that you’re addicted to.
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INSIGHT-Fears of Syria militancy expand influence of Saudi prince
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One clue to his approach lies in a dingy suburb of eastern Riyadh, behind high sandstone walls topped with razor wire: the Prince Mohammed bin Nayef Centre of Counselling and Care. Better known abroad as Saudi Arabia's controversial rehabilitation …
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Fears of Syria militancy expand Saudi prince's influence
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