How Did You Know They Were “the One”?
Question by red_shoes_lady: How did you know they were “the one”?
I’m looking for something beyond “I just knew”. What made you decide you wanted to marry who you did and why?
Best answer:
Answer by Brandie H
He was perfect to me in every way. He was sweet, caring, adorable, shy, and just great.
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Making Peace With Failure: A Love Story
Filed under: loss of a loved one
Thus, our desire to be loved became galvanized to succeeding to procure parental approval. We can say that such success led to at least some temporary belief that we were lovable. Failing becomes quickly taboo as it indicates a loss of love, initially …
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Man allegedly responsible for Sgt. death dies from injuries
Filed under: loss of a loved one
On Friday, as the investigation into a deadly 50-mile crime spree through two Utah counties continued, friends, family members and the state's community of law enforcement officers mourned the tragic loss of a loved one. "He was just one of those good …
Philip Seymour Hoffman found dead in New York City apartment: Oscar-winning …
Filed under: loss of a loved one
The Screen Actors Guild Foundation, which had honoured Hoffman with awards, said: “We are saddened by the loss of Philip Seymour Hoffman. Our deepest condolences go out to his loved ones.” A spokesman for BAFTA said: ?”We're shocked and deeply …
Read more on The Independent