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Have You Heard the Term “AFTER-DEPRESSION”?

Question by casey: Have you heard the term “AFTER-DEPRESSION”?
10 years ago i was diagnosed with severe clinical bi-polar depression,i have been closely monitered by my doctor since then.i lost my family,my friends,my house,my business,my money and my marriage ended in divorce.i have recovered up to the point of basic intellect was not affected but i can no longer endure any pressure , i suffer daily anxiety and sporadic panic attacks.the MAIN POINT is that i have no desire whatsoever to start working again or dating,cant even open up the businness section of a newspaper.are these the after effects of my disease,is this what it has left for me?

Best answer:

Answer by psychobilly_phreakout
Check with your doctor.

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Cognitive Therapy Helps Depressed Diabetics Control Blood Sugar

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Cognitive Therapy Helps Depressed Diabetics Control Blood Sugar Experts estimate that only half of diabetic patients maintain targeted blood sugar control despite the knowledge that poor compliance can lead to complications. To make matters worse, …


New magnetic treatment offers hope for depression

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The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved TMS therapy for treating drug-resistant depression in 2008, but insurers have been slow to cover the procedure. In 2012, when Medicare began limited coverage, a handful of Central Florida providers …
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