Has Anyone Ever Had or Known Someone Very Close That Has Had “Electic Shock Therapy” and if So, Did It Work?
Question by Chloe: Has anyone ever had or known someone very close that has had “electic shock therapy” and if so, did it work?
I may need to have it done. Is it painful? Can they sedate you heavily even before you go in the room? I heard it messes with your memory. I don’t mind losing all the horrible memories I have but don’t want to lose the good ones! How many treatments does it normally take?
I suffer from severe debilitating depression (I’m 37 and have had this since around age 8), severe anxiety, OCD, BDD, and Borderline Personality Disorder. I also am a recovering addict and alcoholic. I have tried almost every med. out there. This would be an absolute last resort.
Best answer:
Answer by Jake Tapper
I’m 28 and it has been mentioned to me but that mess with your memory stuff scared the hell out of me. I’m already having major problems with confusion and memory so i felt it would only hurt me in the long run. i’m not sure how it’s supposed to work though. as far as I know it doesn’ hurt but it could lead to something scarier
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Teens, Twitter, and therapy in 140 characters?
Filed under: alcoholic therapy
An increasing number of teens are offering support, via social media platform Twitter, to peers struggling with issues such as depression, self-harm, anorexia, alcoholism, and family problems. An increasing number of teens are offering support, via …
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