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For a Impatient Rehab Center to Help My Daughter.. Pro Bono?

Question by nufarina: for a impatient rehab center to help my daughter.. pro bono?
please help my daughter kristy. she is in real, real bad shape. she is 30 years old and she is a very heavy drinker. she has been drinking for over 10 years and she is going to die very soon if she does not get into a in patient rehab. she wants to get help but we cant find a place that will take her. we don’t have any money. it has been a long, long ten years. please, help my kristy, she can not die. please help. thanks, gm (kristys mom). my faith is shakin, please help my daughter. there has just got to be some place that will help, please……

Best answer:

Answer by elegant^^beauty
i would if i knew a place. drinking does lead to a early grave and she needs to stop asap

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


Hoffman and the Gory Heroin Deaths in the Shadows

Filed under: heroin addiction treatment

Train those who use with you to administer the drug.) he might still be with us. Not every overdose can be prevented, but we should strive to prevent as many as possible. Naloxone isn't drug treatment, and many who have their overdoses reversed will …
Read more on The Atlantic


Heroin overdoses increase in Mercer County

Filed under: heroin addiction treatment

There were 288 Trenton heroin users admitted into treatment programs — the 10th highest number in the state — along with 121 Hamilton residents and 34 Princeton residents, the DHS said. But along with the rise in heroin use has been a rise in overdoses.
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