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Examining Spiritual Addiction: The Ego’s Craving, Avoidance, Denial Behaviors (4 of 7)


Examining Spiritual Addiction: the ego’s craving, avoidance, denial behaviors (4 of 7) – Addiction, desires, cravings, avoidance, denial, repression — these are all behaviors of the ego. The ego has within it strong behaviors that create inner suffering. Learn how to uncover and remove these dysfunctional parts of yourself in this higher consciousness teaching. This is a 1.5 hour conversation between Lincoln, the channel for Higher Self, and a student of the Higher Self teachings. You will learn about Lincoln’s own experience with the personal ego and how he understands many of the core behaviors of the ego function operating with us. Many of the ego’s behaviors are the same as the substance addicted person – intense cravings, avoidance of the present moment, denial and repression of unhappy memories, etc. By understanding the structure of the ego, we are most effectively able to eliminate any personal problems, whether they are manifesting as strongly as a person struggling with alcoholism or substance abuse, or as mildly a person with a healthy ego structure or even a spiritual student. As long as the ego exists, some of these core patterns will be controlling our conscious behavior and limiting our experience of inner peace and Divine Love. In this teaching you will learn new ways to uncover the layers of the personal ego, including how to eliminate the denial mechanism that keeps deeply held beliefs and memories locked in our subconscious mind. As long as any deep karma is within our subconscious mind it is affecting our conscious reality. So a safe


"Elementary" – A Giant Gun, Filled with Drugs episode review

Filed under: addiction self help

The script plays it clever, allowing the audience to believe that the man on her doorstop is the real baddie, when it turns out that he is really a kind individual, just looking for some help. It's when he turns away that Ferland's directing style …
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Brain Shape Linked to Cocaine Addiction

Filed under: addiction self help

While the nonaddicts shared a penchant for risk-taking behavior, the increased gray matter seemed to help them resist addiction by exerting more self-control and making more advantageous decisions. “They could take it or leave it,” said Karen Ersche …
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Board rejects mercy for condemned Ohio killer

Filed under: addiction self help

The parole board disagreed, ruling unanimously that the brutality of Treesh's crime outweighed the effects of his addiction. The panel also said Treesh's prison behavior is indicative of “a self-indulgent, petulant and immature individual.” Treesh and …
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