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As a Permanent Resident Can I Leave Canada for More Than 6 Months at a Time?

Question by Joey T: As a permanent resident can I leave Canada for more than 6 months at a time?
I am aware of the ‘2 years out of 5’ rule, but I was told by the immigration official when I entered Canada that to retain my residence I can only be outside of Canada for a maximum of 5 months.

Having spoken to Citizen and Immigration Canada they tell me that there is no such restriction, only that I must be physically present in Canada for 730 days out of every 5 years. So according to them I could leave for up to 2 years at a time.

Who is correct? Thanks.

Best answer:

Answer by capitalgentleman
If you leave for more than 6 months in a calendar year, you cannot obtain health insurance. However, you can leave for longer than that without problem. “Retain your residence” means you are actually living in that place (in Canada). If you are gone more than 6 months, you are deemed to be no longer living there.

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