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Alcohol Rehabs in Florida | Addiction Treatment Center


Alcohol Rehabs in Florida | Addiction Treatment Center – Good Future Best Drug Abuse Therapy in Florida and Alcohol Rehab Centers team consists of the most experienced, highly trained, compassionate specialists in the field of addiction today.


Drug trial treats Austin opioid addicts

Filed under: drug abuse therapy

Those selected to participate will be reimbursed for their time and travel and afterward will receive referrals for substance abuse treatment, intensive outpatient therapy and primary care providers. During the week-long hospital stay, study …


Medical journal author calls for better PTSD diagnosis among soldiers and

Filed under: drug abuse therapy

Author Allison Crawford, from the University of Toronto's Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, noted in her piece that there's “no clear evidence of an elevated risk of mental health problems related to military deployment per se,” but that patients …


.5M awarded to help inmates with mental health, addiction problems

Filed under: drug abuse therapy

Inmates are less likely to re-offend if they are receiving proper treatment, but that doesn't mean the average taxpayer wants to shell out money for drug abuse counseling in addition to medical care already paid by county residents, said Kathy Coate …
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