Archive for the ‘Addiction Counseling’ Category
Dual Diagnosis Treatment in a Drug and Alcohol Rehab- Miramar Drug Rehab Center
Dual Diagnosis Treatment in a Drug and Alcohol Rehab- Miramar Drug Rehab Center – Miramar drug and alcohol treatment center (888) 363-8721. To understand dual…
Chris Brown Diagnosed With Bipolar Disorder And PTSD
Filed under: dual diagnosis rehab
Brown even looked very presentable next to his mother and lawyer as the judge simply stated that Chris has responded favorably to the dual diagnosis treatments. Along with the … Brown has been acknowledged for doing well in rehab. However, he was …
Read more on The Inquisitr
Noted Addiction Expert from Elements Behavioral Health to Deliver Keynote …
Filed under: dual diagnosis rehab
… with others,” said Dr. Bhatt, “to help correct misconceptions that have contributed to the negative stigma, guilt, shame and blame associated with addiction, as well as correct inaccurate diagnosis and treatment of those suffering from addiction …
Read more on PR Web (press release)
Professional Patient Counseling | Dr. A. El-Gewaily | Damanhour
Professional Patient Counseling | Dr. A. El-Gewaily | Damanhour – ?? ??? ?? ???? ???? ??? ????? ?? ????? ???????? ^_* ? ??? ???? ??? ???????? ? ???? ???? ???? ??? ????? ???? ???? ..
Watson: Treating drug addiction needs less stigma
Filed under: professional counseling
Parents are advised to seek professional help. Getting their addicted child … Best accompanied by counseling and behavioral therapy, a daily dose of methadone, buprenorphine (suboxone), or vivitrol (a 28-day shot) is sometimes effective. Those drugs …
Read more on The Salem News
Dear John: Expressing Anger Through Sex. Or No Sex, Actually.
Filed under: professional counseling
If you're serious about this relationship, you should seek counseling as a couple if he will go – a big “if” since denial that anything's wrong is a major part of this. If you're less than serious, … I really don't see it getting better without …
Read more on GoLocal Worcester
How Should I Conclude My Research Paper on Psych?
Question by RoXie: How should i conclude my research paper on Psych?
This is what i have so far but i dont necessarily like it
Psychology or counseling , is a field with great honors. These honors mostly go unnoticed but it is the little things that count such as being there to listen. Psychology, the study of the mind and behavior, is still a field that I am highly interested in. After researching psychology I have decided I still want to pursue the field. Psychology is a occupation that can make a difference. It is not only the study of the mind and behavior, but it helps cultivate the maturing process in one’s life.
Best answer:
Alcoholic Who Drank Over 30 Beers Per Day | Alcohol Addiction Treatment Center
Alcoholic Who Drank Over 30 Beers per Day | Alcohol Addiction Treatment Center – A long-term alcoholic who was known by name in the liquor stores finally makes the decision to get help after a life of addiction, denial and embarrassment. …
Reasons to Be Happy: Interview With Katrina Kittle
Filed under: outpatient addiction treatment
Like all addictions, the only way to stop it is to truly examine and explore why it began and what the person is getting from it. Until you recognize the source, or the need it fills, treatment will be very ineffective. It's necessary to find something …
Read more on Huffington Post
Video: With use on the rise, St. Luke's tackles heroin head on
Filed under: outpatient addiction treatment
My Brother Is Lost in His Alcohol Addiction…
My brother is lost in his alcohol addiction… – Teresa calls into KLEAN Radio to discuss her brother’s addiction to alcohol. For more information and live show times, go to: If yo…
Porn licensing online isn't going to deter the digital generation
Filed under: addiction to alcohol
While many nations closely regulate underage bar sales and penalise licensees for selling alcohol to underage customers, underage people the world over will continue to try their luck. The idea here is that sites hosting adult material should be …
Read more on The Conversation
In State Where Marijuana is Now Legal, Lessons and Challenges for New Jersey
Filed under: addiction to alcohol
What Is the Standpoint Called for Someone Who Doesn’t Believe in Medicine?
Question by bibbit: What is the standpoint called for someone who doesn’t believe in medicine?
I believe that there should be no medicine, and if we get diseases, we should just accept it and let ourselves die and not go against nature. Is there a name for this political stance? (like if you are for abortion, it is called pro-choice) I want to find some blogs or something where I can discuss with people who share my opinion, but I dont know what to google to find that!
Best answer:
Answer by Gwennie B
I don’t know that it has a specific name, although that course of action in medical care would be deemed “non-interventionist”.
What do you think? Answer below!
The Interventionists at the Hub October 11, 20009. – A short clip of the Interventionists playing at the Hub. Edited since the rest of the clip is shaky enough to induce nausea.