Country Star LeAnn Rimes Enters Anxiety Therapy
Country Star LeAnn Rimes Enters Anxiety Therapy – The stress of being LeAnn Rimes has finally gotten to LeAnn Rimes, who checked into a 30-day in-patient facility to cope with anxiety and stress shortly afte…
The Atlantic editor Scott Stossel's struggle with anxiety
Filed under: anxiety therapy
Diagnosed at 10, Scott Stossel has spent a lifetime trying to get over his crippling anxiety, writes Muditha Dias. Writing a book about the history of the disorder turned out to be great therapy, but now Stossel faces a new worry; that he may have …
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Horse therapy brings local businesses together: STGnews Videocast
Filed under: anxiety therapy
… horses in therapy dates back to the 1960s. By going beyond the traditional line of “talk” therapy, which sometimes is hard for people who are unable to adequately open up and talk, a horse will mirror the client's moods, attitudes and feelings …
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Eating Disorders Improve With Yoga
Filed under: anxiety therapy
By substituting yoga for more strenuous exercise patients can reduce the impact on weight loss as well as the symptoms of anxiety, depression and preoccupation with food. In a randomized controlled clinical trial of yoga in the treatment of eating …
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