Denver Marriage Counseling – the Most Trusted Denver Marriage Counseling
Denver Marriage Counseling – The most trusted Denver Marriage Counseling – Denver Marriage Counseling – The most trusted Denver Marriage Counseling (303) 242-8491 Most people desire a satisfying marriage that lasts a lifetime. Yet c…
Decline in matrimony: Rate of marriages falls in region
Filed under: marriage counseling
Tankersley, a faith-based counselor, said couples these days struggle to perceive commitment and are skeptical of how to live out a commitment forever because there isn't much exposure to couples who have. They are surrounded by many people who are …
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Sex and money aren't the real problem in your marriage, Hampton therapist says
Filed under: marriage counseling
But, in reality, it all boils down to one thing: selfishness, says Tracey Crawley, a licensed marriage and family therapist for Genesis Counseling Center, which has locations in Hampton, Williamsburg and Chesapeake. "I think the key problem in many …
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The Government Is a Terrible Marriage Matchmaker
Filed under: marriage counseling
In seeking to push people toward marital bliss, the government uses a carrot and a stick: incentivizing some couples with spending on pro-marriage counseling programs while attempting to penalize others who don't marry by denying them tax benefits.
Read more on The Nation. (blog)