What Are Education Requirements for a Degree in Psychotherapy?
Question by Madison: What are education requirements for a degree in psychotherapy?
How many years will it take? What specific degrees will I need? What would my major be?
Best answer:
Answer by Will Nickel
That calls for four years of medical school and a minimum of two years residency. You’d have to take pre-med, too. So you’re looking at ten years’ preparation.
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These were interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT), cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), behavioral activation (ACT), problem solving therapy (PST), psychodynamic therapy (DYN), social skills training (SST), and supportive counseling (SUP). All seven were …
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In developing his radical style of psychotherapy known as ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy), which challenges the ground rules of most Western psychology, the aim is to transform our relationship with our difficult thoughts and feelings, not to …
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