Would This Be a Good Thesis Statement for My Argumentative Essay?
Question by TheGothicWolf: Would this be a good thesis statement for my argumentative essay?
First of all, I apologize for putting this in this section, the “homework help” section is deserted.
I need help with my thesis statement. In my essay, I would like to argue that the prevalence of clinical depression is due to a medicalization of sadness. My original thesis statement (or topic, I suppose) was going to be “depression is overdiagnosed,” but considering I’m writing an argumentative essay, I think “sadness is being medicalized, resulting in an overdiagnosis of depression” would be better.
Would that be my thesis statement?
Best answer:
Answer by eastacademic
Indiana U has a great thesis primer:
Good luck!
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
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