Why Does It Seem That Emotional Affairs Are Tolerated More Than Physical Affairs?
Question by Robert: Why does it seem that emotional affairs are tolerated more than physical affairs?
The following procedures are usually recommended or conducted concerning emotional affairs:
1) Allowing the emotional affair to simply “run its course” or fizzle out eventually.
2) Figure out what were the causes of the emotional affair in order to;
a) try to meet those needs met by the other person.
b) compete against the other person to “win” back the cheating mate.
c) convince the cheating mate to stay in the relationship instead of leaving for the other person.
Personally, I believe a more aggressive approach should be taken such as:
1) Removing the cheating partner from the residence (if applicable).
2) Seperating and securing all individual finances (if applicable).
3) No contact for an extended period of time ( a month at least).
4) Counseling (if desired).
A clear message should be conveyed that cheating of any kind will not be tolerated at all. Additionally, the cheating partner must realize that they have caused major damage to the relationship and they must make the effort to repair it. No blameshifting, empty promises without plausible effort or unremorseful behavior should be permitted.
Are emotional affair tolerated more than physical ones?
What would be your plan of action on dealing with affairs (emotional or physical)?
Thanks for your response.
Best answer:
Answer by EverTight
I don’t distinguish between ’emotional’ versus ‘physical’ affairs.
The only reason an ’emotional’ affair would be better for my husband is because at least he’d have somewhere to go when I kick him out.
We both agree on zero-tolerance for infidelity of any kind. You cheat, you choose to end the marriage, period, end of story, absolutely no exceptions.
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